This post is a week late in coming so apologies! Dan is on Vacation and so On top of a hotel full to bursting, I have a few more responsibilities. Busy Busy week that has not left much time to have any fun with CD, AG and the Gang.

Still, There were a few nice days this week. And How many people get to exercise out most
fundamental right, The right to Vote, at a place with a view like this?

So on Tuesday I gathered up a group of Hotel workers and headed off to City Hall to Vote.

Yes, Even here on the very edge of the Bering Sea, Democracy Marches on.
+Week+006.jpg"> And some of my favorite people were there like Gert Svarney...........

And CD, who was there to volunteer.

In the good news category, God And Saint Michael the Archangel Came through for me again.
The Results of the Blood Test on the Person who's needle I got stuck with came back clean. So Bye Bye Anti-Virals and Hello Good Night's Sleep!
So it was off to the Post Office to send off the Personal Bellonings of the Fellow who's needle it was.
GHT: 300px; CURSOR: hand" id=BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5510578950020973346 border=0 alt="" src=""> Also, The Elderhostel program was Here again this year So I again lead a beach walk.

And we got some great views of one of the Islands residents, the Puffins.
nter; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 400px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 300px; CURSOR: hand" id=BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5510575473298991058 border=0 alt="" src=""> Meanwhile, Last week Over at CD's, Derick was trying to squeeze in a few last Unalaskan experiences, like impromptu lawn work, which has pretty much solidified in his mind the fact that he does not want to do that for the rest of his Life!">
Alicia and Manderzz Making fried Bread for "Native Taco's"

Meanwhile Bella sits nicely outside, awaiting A

Which a certain Obsessive Personality has Tupperwared.........................

AG fixing her Taco........

Yup, Fun Photos of eating!
PLAY: block; HEIGHT: 300px; CURSOR: hand" id=BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5510541199027686754 border=0 alt="" src="">

Meanwhile some boys were outside "Playing" with AG's Truck.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, acting all innocent after doing Yard Work.

AG out Picking Salmonberries for the first time!

Of Course my overcompetitive side came out..............

And in the end I came out with the fullest bucket!

The Next day it was off Berry Picking again, this time with CD solo on Bunker Hill soon to be joined by Alicia. Yes, the Berry Bushes are taller than CD!

Two Full buckets Before Heading off to Pick up Alicia.

Ballyhoo was pretty much a bust for berries.........

And there was this really creepy bunker..........
Still the Day was beautiful...........
....But still the Berries were Back to Bunker Hill.

5 Buckets to celebrate with at the Unisea Grill , Where hungry Berry pickers go!

And Now for some videos of the Fish the Berries are named after!
Have a Great week Everyone!