Fresh Fruit For Frieda, But Junior Made better use of the Strawberries in the next Photo!!
WHAT? Mr Book Abandoned Again? No, Not so........
...I doubt Jeff will leave it out of his sight again!!!
Willie, Junior and Jeff, Enjoy!!
I Do so LOVE Fennel Exec. Chef Rich!!! Thanks!!!
Junior's Special Smoothies.................
And A Double Shot of Dessert this week as last weeks would n0t post!!!
Humm. Kinda Of Interesting. If each of us has a Mimosa we would go through about 20 bottles of champagne today. Kewl!!!! So, On To DC NEWS:
The Wizard is back Out fishing after a brief return trip last weekend..........
So too the Northwestern..........
And The Time Bandit.
Not so with the Cornelia Marie. They are still tied up at the Delta Western Fuel Docks waiting on a part and repairs to the Rudder AGAIN!!!
And , That is IT with DC News!!
Now, On to some stuff that I did not get to post Last week because of Issues with Blogger, Time Constraints, and Me being ill.
These two shots show part of the crew of the Alaska Warrior. DC Viewers might remember how last season ended with the sinking of the Alaska Ranger. This is the first ship that made it to the area, and started the rescue mission before the Coast Guard Even Arrived. Thanks to These brave people 42 out of 47 members of the Alaska Ranger are alive today!!!
There was a small ceremony with the Mayor and Coast Guard at City Hall........
....to present the Captain with a Commendation, along with his crew.
Then we all headed over to the Memorial for another small ceremony there, paying honor to those lost, and giving thanks for those saved
Then it was back to City Hall where Mayor Shirley Marquardt was the first to sign the documents for the sale of $25 Million dollars worth of bonds to fund the New Power Plant expansion. You see out here the cities and the companies MAKE their own electricity. (Which sounds more haphazard than it really is, I have actually never been without power, even in the worst of storms, meanwhile in Florida a Sudden strong breeze seems to knock out a coast every other week)
And this next shot is just for BZ!!! IF both you and Shirley were not married to awesome people I would so Set you up!! (Her nephew who's photos is tacked to the poster actually was the model for the painting)
So Katherine from the Salon and City Council, leaves today for a Once month stay in Anchorage while her neice gives birth. I am really going to miss her. I dug this photo up from the first night I met Katherine, when I came up on my site tour. As you can see we clicked right from the start, especially while singing a really bad version of "Living it up at the hotel Grand Aleutian"! Miss You Already!!! Remember, Wake her up every morning by screaming and that baby will pop out in no time!!!
ANd Finally, Last weekend Chillin with Freddie (CM), Vanessa Lynn(Wizard) and The Wizard Greenhorn!!
I thought It was Wine that made you all Huggy but evidiently it is YeagerBombs!!!
AND Finally a Nice gift from Captain Keith For Your Humble Host CB!!!
Hope you all had fun, Got Full and Look forward to seeing you this week!!!
Lynn has quite the black eye!!
I love the fruit plate and the breckfasr desserts look yummy.....
Wow CB,so much stuff from just the pictures! As always, that brunch looks fantastic! Those strawberries...mmmmm!
Oh! Poor Lynn! I hope that eye heals up...still, he looks no worse for wear.
Nice shot of the Wiz there too!
oh the pork chops thats definately what i will be having!! Too many desserts to choose from, they all look amazing.
Poor Lynn getting a black eye...still looking good though!!
I call dibs on the chocolate covered stawberries
The food looks great! Your brunch pictures are so yummy looking, makes me wish we were there to enjoy it.
Wow CB, brunch looks delicious especially the desserts. I hope Lynn's eye heals up soon.
PS: Does the 4th pic mean that Mr.Book found a home? LOL
Wow, Lynn shoulda ducked faster! I hope someone gave him a bag of frozen veggies to put on that eye... Actually he looks kinda cute w/ the black eye and the grin, lol.
I enjoyed the brunch, as usual; I don't eat a lot of pork but the chops were wonnnnderful! If you aren't tired of me yet, I'll be there next Sunday! If Mystic and Bonnie are game, we could grab the same table.
See ya then?!
CB - Fabulous Brunch - loved the pork chops and happy that Mr. Book decided to join me for some eggs, dessert looks wonderful. Poor Lynn the eye looks painful but from that smile I guess he is feeling no pain!!
wow. They really try to outdo themselves every week dont they? Food looks fabulous! Poor Lynn. Ill have to fight over those strawberries. They look yummy.
Wow..yummy looking brunch..I LOVE chocolate covered strawberries!
Fantastic images as always CB! thanks
Loved the commentary CB...the pictures of the award ceremony are very touching...
mmmmm, you sure know how to spoil your guests CB, what a yummy brunch! i wonder if lynn and weatherby finally went at it?
I am Not going to spoil it for your Reesa...........
.......but I am jinxing out 13 by telling you that that is not even close to what happened.
OK- Enough about DC (just kidding)...Lets Talk Willie! Is he Hawaiin? Shaka... Hang loose. And you have to admit he has great hair!!!
Thanks for having us CB. The food looks wonderful as usual, and at least one of those strawberries will be mine!
Now CB- I promise not to tell anyone the true story of how you gave Lynn that black eye, there are easier ways to get him to buy the next round of drinks!!!
CB thanks again for such a great time! You know how to have fun!! AND thanks for the double desserts :) You know I have a major sweet tooth. I could skip all that good food and go right to dessert...but I didn't :) The pork chops were yummy!
AND I love your comment about the power. We lose power here - not in storms - but when some idiot cuts a tree down and takes out a line. Anyhow, you have more reliable service than I do. Thanks for the DC/boat pics too!
Great Brunch CB!! Looks fabulous!! Poor Lynn, Hope that eye heals fast, and I hope he ducks faster next time.
Have a great day!
As always...brunch was delightful! PORK CHOPS!!!!!!!you know I'll have to have one in honor of my buddy!
The service honoring the crew of the Alaska Warrior was so well deserved. Those men and women were truly life savors.
Ahhhh little Lynn...I know he is going to be just fine. That was one heck of a shiner though.
Thanks for your hospitality CB!
Yep Helen...same time, same table next week!
Lynn is too sweet of a guy to ever get involved in fisticuffs!!! I can not tell you what happened but IT WAS NOT A FIGHT!!!!
haha its funny how most people automatically think fight when they see people with black eyes!!
Thanks so much for the brunch invite. Those strawberries look amazing! I'll take a few of those and one of those smoothies!
Thanks (also) for the DC update. Don't forget the NA (wink, nudge, :))
Have a great week!
That brunch looks fantastic!! If I ever make it up to Alaska I will make it a point to have Sunday Brunch at the Grand! Those strawberries! And I am sure we would need a lot more than 20 bottles of champagne :) I am so glad Mr. Book found a home - I will have to check out the series. Thanks for the great photos of both the DC boats and the local happenings. Glad you are feeling better, thanks for the great brunch!
Another mouth watering brunch! Thanks CB! (And gbbarb - I'll rassle ya for some of them chocolate covered strawberries!)
Glad to see the book made it!
A great brunch CB! Just what I needed, thanks for all the updates and for the pics of the ceremony too. I will be out of the country this week, no internet available so I'll miss your blog! I'll be back for next Sunday's brunch! Have a mimosa ready!
CB brunch was wonderful as always, I am glad Mr. Book has found a home. Thanks for all the pictures, news, and commentary. I enjoyed reading about the award ceremony and about the electricity, Thanks again for sharing.
Lynn is not a fighter. I am pretty sure it was a crabbin accident. Needs to be quicker with the reflexes!
CB!!! The Millinium is sooooo not 'The Grand Aleutian'!!! I love our Hotel in the Aleutians!! Love the blast from the past on 'singing' if that's what you want to call it!!! Catina says she will be wearing ear plugs and let her baby take his time! Man,,,,I can get used to this high sppeeedd internet!! WOOHOO! But I am already wanting to be home!! Miss ya!!
Thanks CB that fruit was awesome. I will tell you this the best think i have found to avoid a black eye is to buy the person whos upset a shot. :). I also loved the pictures of the ceremony they were great.
did the wizard get another greenhorn ?
Glad to hear you are already settling in Katherine. High speed internet kicks ass! A good way to move the last week or so along...take walks and back massages. Take her window shopping lol...and if you can massage her lower back. Should speed things along lol
Thank you and the crew for the wonderful brunch. The award ceremony photos were wonderful and those guys deserve every accolade they get. Hope you are feeling better darlin.
Wonderful Brunch this week CB! *Fizz runs away with the chocolate drizzled strawberries!!!*
Hope Lynn's eys is feeling better soon! makes him look quite the toughy!
Missed the brunch - but it looked wonderful as usual. Got to have the receipe for those delicious looking smoothies! (and to think I'm a mimosa gal!) That was very nice to post the ceremony of the Alaska Warrior. I had read about it over on another blog, quite interesting and my sincere sadness for the families of those lost at sea. Oh, and you are so right about the power here in FL. I had a seen a special about the "power" in AK and how they are developing it right there, not depending on any outside sources. Always interested in hearing about that. Glad you're feeling better!
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