The Cruise ship Clipper Odyssey Once again Made A Call in Dutch Harbor/Unalaska on Monday.

Great Ship, Great Crew and Great People all combine to make my job as a Tour Director FUN!!

Even were lucky enough to have Three Eagles on the Church at once!!

And My good Friend Freddie, From The F/V Cornelia Marie, joined us for a good part of the tour. He and His Amazing wife Vanessa are the only "Regulars" on DC that live here in Dutch Harbor/Unalaska Full time. They are as pround of this community as any of us, and I know it was a thrill to many of the guests on board to be able to talk to him. He also is in like 50-100 photographs from that day as well. For some of the Guests he was even more popular than the eagles!!

You know you are in "Dutch Harbor Mode" when you get thrilled about getting 5 Bags of Groceries for only $114.00!!

AND Finally, Do You Want a Necklace like Josh of The F/V Cornelia Marie got last night on the season Finalie of DC? The Grand Aleutian Gift Shot Sells them Both with the Diamond (Like Josh Got) and Without.

A Broach is also Available.

This is the exact one that Josh Got. $575.00 with the Diamond.

You can call the Grand Gift Shop at (907) 581-7117 Between 8am and 7pm AST if you want to place an order
Tomorrow.............Pick your T-shirt Caption Contest Winners!!!
The crab necklaces are wonderful. If I could get a hot crabber IN one of these necklaces I would place an order even though it would put my card over limit...
I will take a necklace just like Josh got...you are buying aren't you?
how cool that Phil uses locals to buy from for crew gifts!!!
Missed the tshirt caption competition... best luck contestants
Great looking crab necklaces. I just might have to get one LOL if my visa card won't get mad at me LOL. How awesome to have not only you CB as a tour guide but Freddie also. I just know everyone really enjoyed the tour. The pictures of the three eagles on the church is great. You are able to capture some great shots.
oh wowiees!! if i get approved for my discover card i'm getting one! BOO YAH! tho possibly not the one with the diamond lol i'm cheep like that. tho johnathan tould me he got his from donating to the "fisherman's memorial fund"
Oh CB did you get my E-mail.
Don't work too hard over there now... even though you do a really, really great job at everything you put your effort into!! But it just seems like you never put time for yourself... I think it's time for a nice long nature walk with some great summer pix ;)
Luv ya, thanks for everything!!
My momma said to say hi!!
~April Dawn & Boy~
Awesome pictures and great necklaces. One of the benefits of having cruise ship jobs is that one can be exposed to such things. A worker is able to travel the world for free while earning good money.
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