The Great Siberian Sushi Run Left Dutch Harbor/Unalaska yesterday.http://nordhavns68.talkspot.com/aspx/blob2/blobpage.aspx/msgid/463430

I was lucky enough to spend some time with them as they toured our little town over the past week. Wonderful people, just great!!! It was a pleasure to have them here and to take them out on a hike or two while they were here.

There is a group shot of Some of the crews as they Joined CB, JS and AU on a hike around Bunker Hill. (I was standing up on that lion shaped rock face on the Beach)

JS and AU out on the Spit Dock with me.

So Last night on "After the Catch" the possibility of a Crew member trade for one trip was discussed. WHO would CB choose as his "Dream Team"?
Captain: Keith on the Wizard. I think he is the most disciplined, yet caring captain on the show.
And he ALWAYS has one of the biggest Quotas. $$$$$ He knows the ins and outs of the fishing quota system and Fights for the Rights of all fishermen at the meetings.

Relief Captain/Engineer: Monte/Mouse. Because Keith and Monte work well together.

For Crew: Travis From the Wizard, The Guy Cracks me up!!!

Matt From the Northwestern: Good and Solid Deckhand, and a nice guy even if he does eat his burger funny!!

Of COURSE Crosby and Lynn from the Wizard! Nice guys and workhorses!!

Jake From the Northwestern With Freddie from the Cornelia Marie. Both Really great guys, and in Freddies Case a Good Friend. (Miss you and Vanessa!! Enjoy Las Vegas!!)

And Finally, just because it will make Kim, Frieda and the rest happy Edgar as Deckboss, Although Freddie could also do a great job at this.

Before I moved up here and got to know them I would have chosen a totally different crew, but being here has changed alot of the views I once had.
Now which boat would I take?

As cool looking as she is, Love the Color scheme, The CM just has too many mechanical issues.
And the Time Bandit just does not have a big enough quota to pay all these guys what they deserve.

That Leaves the Wizard and the Northwestern. Both good boats in good repair, but I am going to have to go with the Wizard. After being on both of them I just like the "feel" of the Wizard more as it is traveling through the ocean. Plus if that Wave that almost took out all my friends on the Wizard would have hit the Northwestern, Sig would have been blasted out his "shouty door" and on to the deck, or right out to sea.
SO, Instead of telling me who I should have picked make up your own list and tell me:
tough question, CB...Capt Keith and Travis are lots of fun...not sure how they would be to work with...I will have to think on this for a while...
Well...I must say you have darned good taste in crews and boats there CB!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I would add Travis Arket, a deckhand on the North American, because he is full of shenanigans, and is just an all around hoot!
Hugs dear!
Mine is simple. NW minus Jake, adding Corey Eisenbarth in his place. On the NW.
Love the great pictures. CB how nice of you to take some of the folks from the great Siberian Sushi Run on a hike. I enjoyed the shot of your family that is a great picture.I like your pick of a crew very good choice, great boat too. Hmmm well I am a bit partial but my pick would have to be Captain Troy and the Stimson. LOL
knew Mystic would love this crew selection. I totallt trust that you know the individuals involved and are choosing on job skills not popularity.
I would have to say the NW. I was privilaged to meet and spend the afternoon with Matt (and Angla) while in Seattle in June and would work beside Matt anyday.
Wow, tough choices! I wouldn't want to lose any of the Northwestern crew, but it would be interesting to see them work with some new folks. Wonder if they would be open to a 12 on, 12 off rotation? I'd love to add Keith for Kings and Phil for Opies to share the captain's chair, Freddie, Josh and Corey from the CM, Crosby, Travis and Russell from the Wizard, and Mike and Andy from the Time Bandit. That's a lot of crew, but can you imagine how fast they could turn the gear if they could move the sorting table a little further from the rack on the Northwestern? Trips to town would be happening pretty often. Great topic, CB!
Thanks CB...
BTW...the 3 pleasure boats are headed across to Siberia and then down to Osaka, Japan and points south of there.
Capt Phil on the NW with the following crew:
Freddie(CM), Matt(NW), Eddie (TB), Josh (CM), & Crosby (wiz)
That's tough, I've only met Sig, Edgar, & Norm in person so this decision is purely off of tv. I love NW so Edgar,Norm and Matt are in, I'd go with Phil or Andy as my Capt. (even though I like Sig too, don't get me wrong) Like to have Freddie and the Harris boys on board as well. And I'd have to bring Murray back out!
Can I be the lame girl who says "I'll take 6 Crosbys?" :-)
I think I would probably go with Keith as the captain (with Andy a close second) and then Crosby, Freddie, Corey, Matt and Edgar. The Wizard as the boat.
But ask me again in 5 minutes and I'll probably have a different list.
First: thank you for continuing to hold my blog so high on your "Right-Side" blogroll. I find myself honored.
Second: I REALLY like your NEW masthead photo. Centered, yet follows the Rule of Thirds.
My Crew Thoughts:
Andy is one TOUGH sonofabitch. I don't know of ANY "Captain" who works the wheelhouse and then "denigrates" themselves to work the deck -- CONSISTENTLY but upon the seasons. NO OTHER Captain does this. Andy does it -- in order to make the most money for his family, for the boat. He makes whatever sacrifice needs to be made; he does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, no matter what. Andy has a true "sense of place" coupled with a sense of humility, an incredible Work Ethic, yet he commands and, moreover, LEADS BY EXAMPLE.
The other crew members are predominantly interchangeable. You can argue them forever.
The Ultimate Captain's Chair?
It just goes to Andy Hillstrand.
I was rethinking my boat and i think i will stick with the wizard instead of the NW for 2 reasons
1) getting hit by the wave and ending up in the ocean,good point
2) in after the catch Capt Phil said he didn't like the wheelhouse up front,
sorry no clue about fishing/boat teminology ;0)
Crew stays the same though
Can I take Crosby along just for the ride? Gotta do something while my boys work! Can switch Cros and my fave Norwegian out every 12 hours!
Kim - LOL! I think you and I are going to have to go on the same boat for Crosby's sake. :-)
LOL! You can just copy and paste Mystic's complete response here. Complete with Arket! (He needs to bring his fancy kicks with him...although they may not be "deck appropriate." lol!)
lol. hmm sounds interesting. I still prefer my Norwegian. But wow is Cros yummy. That diving suit definitely had me drooling.
Well CB I would have to pick Captain Phill as my captain, Edgar Hansen as the mechanic and deck boss, Jake Anderson, Freddie, Josh Harris, Crosby. As far as the boat haven't been on any but I don't think Phill would like anything but the Cornellia Marie.
I want to say how much I enjoy your blog. Makes me feel like one of the family and wish I could be there everytime I read it expecially for the Sunday Brunch.
Take care and read you again soon.
That's a really tough question. I've never met any of them personally but a big fan of the show.
I love the Hillstrands, but I think I'd go with Phil Harris as captain and his boys would have to be deckhands. I just like their family dynamic. I'd pick Edgar as deck boss since he knows his stuff and he could bring along NW's Matt who is funny and Jake who is such a hard worker and eager to learn. I'd take the Cornelia Marie as boat but they'd have to hire my husband, a great diesel mechanic, to whip those engines in to shape.
love the new "top" banner pix CB
Sorry I've been MIA, CB! Life has been crazy and I have missed you and the blog! All caught up and I have to post my crew now!
Since I am a total rebel, I'm gonna go with Mike Fourtner in the captain's chair on the Time Bandit. His crew? All good looking boys! Travis, Crosby, Art, and Moi from Wizard. Travis A. from North American for some funny up in there! And Eric Nyhammer (sp?) from Rollo and North American as deckboss and relief captain! Oh yeah and they all bring quota from the other boats. Just so all the boys can be paid well for being eyecandy! LOL! That's a heck of a lotta pretty all on one boat! If they need a cook, I volunteer!
Fuck that, Keith is one of the worst caring captains out there. He has no respect for his crew or his family and gets no respect back because of it. There is a reason no other fishermen like him.
Also his quota is 100% leased... $$$? Yeah right.
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