I got stopped at the Ballyhoo Road Gate for a plane. Yes, they do have to fly right over the Road to take off or land.
CD's http://unalaskamom.blogspot.com/ Hubby's Boat The Stimson. Go yell at her on facebook for not blogging!!!
The Mighty Northwestern. Let's hope the weather holds and Sig is not stuck in Anchorage for 5 days like last year at this time.
The Cornelia Marie. Hope you enjoyed your time off Freddie!!!
And Finally, My Alexander. Isn't he just the CUTEST Eagle you ever saw? He's Grown so much this past year. For those of you new to the Blog, Alexander is just an Juvenile Eagle that formed a sorta Friendship to me.

April http://aprildawnpelkey.blogspot.com/ and her Her Hubby stopped overnight on their way back to Akutan from their vacation.
Ohh I think the "Baby Bump" is starting to show!!! Or was it all the McDonalds you ate on vacation?The Northwestern Again. for those who say there is never enough!
Even though it has been just a few days since solstice I am noticing it getting lighter earlier and earlier.......Soon up to Sunglasses at 10pm!!
Eddie and Sean putting out the hot food today........
Chefboy, and Eddie, then on to the Food!
Extra Pictures of the Turkey since it is my sister's Favorite!
Junior called in Chefboy to hold the big container while he dished out the Strawberry Mango Smoothies today.
Gingerbread with Lemon Hard Sauce!! Yummy!! (Though not as good as Mine....LOL)
I was heading for a walk yesterday when I noticed an empty wine bottle bobbing.
It did not take long for me to trak down the Culprit, It's Alena! From http://therealunalaska.blogspot.com/ . (Who has also been AWOL from Blogging). Her and her Mum http://unalaska.wordpress.com/ and SP were there Replenishing the Beach Glass as a few others do.
My Regular camera was dying so I do not have many good shots, including none that came out good of Sharon!
SP was sent to retrieve bottle that had bounced and not broken for another try. That Kid is FEARLESS!!!
Then it was just a nice quiet normal walk until...........
.........It is?!>?! Can it be?!? A Huge piece of Red!!!
My Regular Camera's battery died right then so the rest of these shots are I-Phone taken.
It's cool and Misty but not alot of wind and NO SNOW!!!
But January is Coming, and I think we can all count on this as the Calm before the REAL storms!!
Have a Great Day Everyone!!!
Thanks so much CB for the pictures and videos! You know what I liked best? Being able to hear your voice as narrator. It just makes us all feel closer to you guys!
Lol. I loved that part as well Mary. Getting to hear CB chat and thank you so much for my NW shots. I like the other boats, but I really Love that one. The Stimson is looking sharp!! HUGS. Loved brunch as well. Hope you enjoy your New Years Eve!! HUGS
Today's post was indeed a treat! Thank you for the vids! Brunch was divine as usual.
Cheers and hugs!
Thank you so much CB I know Mom will love the video of Alexander when I show it to her tomorrow.
Alexander is so beautiful and regal...loved the vids...brunch looks divine............
The buffet is so long...loved the new perspective (distant) food/buffet shots.
Alexander is maturing color wise isn't he?
April looks so pretty all pregnant and under your LED lit tree.
CB Thanks for the pictures! And you've got to learn to carry an extra battery back up with you!! You never know when you'll need it! :)
Alaska sure looks beautiful...I hope to visit it someday. My father was born and raised in Sitka.
Brim over I acquiesce in but I about the collection should prepare more info then it has.
Cb the pictures are great with your I-phone. The brunch was awesome as always the squash look yummy. In my opinion and you know I am biased you got the best and prettiest boat first yep Captain T's Stimson. she looks so clean and sharp. Did CD ever show you the picture taken of here from the air surrounded by ice? She sent me a copy it is awesome. Your other boat videos are great. I enjoy watching the videos of the plane taking off it is great. Alexander has really grown. CD needs to do some blogging and share new Bella pictures. I'll go fuss at her for getting slack LOL. Have a great New Year.
I'm so glad you were able to post the videos! I love all the pictures but videos / voices make the blogging experience so much more personal! Have a great new year!
Hey Everybody!
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