Saint Andrew Avellino,
Please help to heal Phil Harris.
According to My Anchorage Source Captain Phil is Resting Comfortably and is awaiting Test Results. The Hospital is being overwhelmed with phone calls so please do not add to the Chaos. Let him and his family have some peace, and keep them in your prayers.
'Deadliest Catch' Guy Suffers Stroke
Posted Jan 30th 2010 9:40AM by TMZ Staff
Phil Harris -- captain of the Cornelia Marie on "Deadliest Catch" -- suffered a stroke and is currently hospitalized, a Discovery rep tells us.
Above is a Map showing the Trip Kyle and I took Last Week with Dan http://www.danslife.net/
Today's Post Is Dedicated to Captain Phil Harris of The F/V Cornelia Marie.

UPDATE::DeadliestCatch Update on Capt. Phil, he's recovering from surgery. http://ow.ly/12m71
'Deadliest Catch' Guy Suffers Stroke
Posted Jan 30th 2010 9:40AM by TMZ Staff
Phil Harris -- captain of the Cornelia Marie on "Deadliest Catch" -- suffered a stroke and is currently hospitalized, a Discovery rep tells us.
Deadliest Catch GUY? He is A CAPTAIN and Deserves some respect. This is not one of their Hollywood Floozies or In the Closet Leading men. This is a CAPTAIN who does one of the Toughest Jobs in the world.
Perhaps you all would like to go and "Write A few Words" to TMZ at the article Posted above....
JUst a thought ;-)

French Toast Tropical.......
....Spare Ribs..........
....And Sockeye Salmon are on the Menu today.
A Dutch Harbor Dirt Premere today for Jamie who is new in the Kitchen and Made the Wonderful Fruit Tray shown Above.
Junior and Chefboy over by the Smoothies and Desserts.
Yes CB's Little Sis, this Chocolate Strawberry is Really Really Good!
And Now some shots of Phil and The Love of His life, The F/V Cornelia Marie.
Now show in this photo, but you can actually see the smoke roll out of the Wheelhouse when Phil opens the windows!
Above is a Map showing the Trip Kyle and I took Last Week with Dan http://www.danslife.net/
(Check out his Blog, New Contest up where YOU could Win a Trip to Dutch Harbor! http://www.danslife.net/2010/01/another-free-trip-almost/
CB Trying to get an "Artistic" shot of A reflection. LOL
The water was nice and calm when we started out. And no Precipitation or wind. A Flat Calm.
Remember what the Flat end of Ballyhoo Looks like now.............
There is the Grey Goose Coming In!!
Yup, That is Priest Rock!
We were out so far we could Actually see AKUTAN!! HI April!!! http://aprildawnpelkey.blogspot.com/ and Darryl!! http://akutanpa.blogspot.com/
As we Turned around to head back........."Where did the Harbor Go?".......
I think that's Ballyhoo.......LOL
Even the Rocks around here can pick up the Freezing Mist........just no one to pound it off.
A few shots of Hog Island.
The Hotel from the Water
Bunker Hill
The "Bridge to the Other Side"
The Unisea Docks
The APL Crane this Summer...........
Hope you all had a great Brunch. Lets all keep Phil in our prayers, and Hope that this week is A Lot Better than last!!!
Jamie your efforts created a great frui tray
Your sensitive information and treatment of Phil's journey is appreciated from this friend CB!!!
Thank you for the update. Glad to hear Josh was able to head over to see his pops. Brunch looked amazing, thanks for that picture tour of DH
Thanks CB. The brunch looks great and Jamie's fruit looked wonderful. Thanks for the info on Phil. This must be such a tryng time for the guys left on the boat. Our thoughts and Prayers are with Phil.
While am sorry Phil had another stroke, it comes as no surprise. Look at how he has maintained himself and the fact that every 45 seconds someone has a stroke in the US.
He deserves respect because he is human not because he is a Captain. There are thousands of Maritime Captains in the world and countless more in other industries that work just as hard as him to keep their vessels and crew straight and true.
If your a fan of the show - wish him well, to the rest of us, he's another hard working guy who had a stroke.
Great Blog by the way!
Phil and the boys and the crew will be in my prayers. Thanks for keeping us informed. Love your blog. And brunch looked so delicious. Maybe one day I will be able to find out.
Debbie in Ohio
I hope the production company backs off and lets him recover. I certainly do not want to see film clips of Phil in a hospital gown. WE have aready seen that. Let him rest, and get well.
Get back to Dutch soon Phil so I can kick your butt.
Thank you for BRUNCH, I have been waiting all day.. I have Also sent AAM to Cptn. Phil & His family. Thanks 4 a real update...
Good day,
Thanks for the update on Captain Phil. I'm pulling for him!
CB, as always, thank you for keeping us updated with a respectful point of view.
CB wonderful brunch love the fruit spare ribs abd salmon everything looks so delicious. Thanks for the great pictures of your boat trip the freezing spray on the rocks is very scenic. CB thank you for your respectful and sensitive updates on Capt. Phil. I pray for his quick recovery and for his family, crew, and friends the strength and support needed during this time.
Once again CB your blog is awesome.
C.B.Thank you for the update on Cpn.Phil.Sending healing vibes his way.
And thank you for the FANTASTIC pics of beautiful Dutch Harbor.
Thanks CB for your updates on Phil. My prayers go with him and also with his sons. It is so evident on the show just how much he loves Josh and Jake, and I know they must be worried sick about their dad. Peace be with them all.
Cancelling out Bad number.......
........Before it runis the post!!
Some people "DO NOT DESERVE PEACE" because they called Phil ‘The Deadliest Catch Guy’? You’re saying they deserve war because he wasn’t called ‘captain'?
'First do no harm', that’s what I’m saying. Hope Phil get’s better soon.
Ok, Maybe I just need to Spell out that I really Hate TMZ and the Way they treat People. I just get pissed that these vultures make their living off of others Sufferings. They do not produce any thing of worth and are bottom feeding scumbags. And by "Glamorizing" Hollywood start and the like, especially their bad choices they are just propogating more of the same.
Sorry, I had to deal with these Scumbags all the time at other properties where I worked, and just Maybe took that comment "Guy" the wrong way.
Still Hate TMZ and all the rest though.
Thanks for the great blog today and keeping us posted (straight) on Capt Phil. I'm sending my prayers and warm hugs from FL (even though it's not too warm here right now) to him and his family. Glad the boys are with him, as where they should be - the NW website posted the update as well and respectively waited until the notification was sent from the CM website.
Oh, and who is Kyle - I must have missed his into from way back (when I was off-line for a while)?
TMZ is now calling him Captain Phil. The latest update from TMZ is pretty grim. They are reporting a 12 hour surgery followed by a medically induced coma. The boys are to speak to the doctors today.
The surgery followed by a drug induced coma is typical when extreme measures are used to combat brain swelling. I hope TMZ is wrong.
The Harris men can certainly use all of our prays and warm thoughts right now.
Well, you can say about TMZ what you want, but they were the first today to tel that:
"Captain Phil Harris from "Deadliest Catch" woke up from a medically induced coma Tuesday, according to his sons -- and immediately started barking commands from his Anchorage hospital bed.
Jake and Josh Harris tell TMZ their dad "showed some good signs of improvement" today, including squeezing their hands.
Harris' sons -- who both work with him aboard the F/V Cornelia Marie -- say they are "encouraged but still very cautious" as Captain Phil recovers from the stroke he suffered on Friday.
One really good sign -- his sons tell us that shortly after waking up, Harris told his doctors and nurses: "Don't f**k up."
Aye, aye Captain."
I'm hoping for positive news as much as anyone,but Jake or Josh left their fathers' bedside to contact TMZ? Smells funny....
Lori: Kyle is a former Blog Follower who Decided to Give Dutch Harbor a try and Came up here to work for Unisea. After some time in the Fish Plant he applied for the Hotel and Now is working Here. Good Kid.
About TMZ: yeah, TMZ acts like the boys contacted them but really all they did was copy from the Discovery Press Release. Posers!!
good, i just made many bran-new emo backgrounds on my blog
ty 4 letting me no he died
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