Sorry everyone, I have been Down for a week with this cold. Still not up to snuff But I had to Post today since there are alot of false rumors out there about Phil.
It was serious However and he could use your Prayers.
Phil Harris suffered a stroke while in port off-loading from the F/V Cornelia Marie. He has been transported to a medical facility and is receiving the best care possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and we will make more information available as we know it.

Yes, he was lifleighted from Saint Paul Island to Anchorage. My last report has him doing Ok, Awake and Talking.

He is not dead, He did not suffer a stroke that left him a vegetable.

He was Transferred to Anchorage by the Same Life Flight PLanes that we use here in Unalaska.
If I Find out anything else I will let you know once it is Confirmed.
Again, Let me Repeat
Phil is Alive.
Please Pray for Him
thanks CB...I hope you feel better
Thanks for the info CB I hope you feel better and prayers go out to Phil and his family.
Take care of yourself hon. I would make you some chicken soup, but my cooking is so bad, it would just make you more sick. XXX000.
Prayers for Phil and the boys.
Thank You so much for the update Brian I just read the news a few mins ago ... And as Mystic said you take care of yourself too ... the flu can be awful ... hugs Cori xx
Thank you CB. Please pass along our hugs and prayers to the crew members as well.
CB thank you for the update. Please take care of yourself and get well quickly. Thoughts and prayers are going out for Capt. Phil and his family may he recover quickly.
Thank you for being there for us CB. You are our lifeline to our dear Captains and crews. And, you take care of yourself, too.
Thanks for the up-dates even while you are sick, wrapping "wellness" wings around you and the capt.I hope the both of you get better soon.If you have a way to tell his boys and crew we are thinking of them as well. Take care of yourself CB, your post's mean alot to all of us
CB, thank you so much for the Captain Phil update, even though you feel like crap.
I *knew* you'd have the scoop and the truth...
I am worried Phil's career is coming to an end, hopefully this was just a little TIA and he can go on medication and at least be able to go out for short fishing trips ... time for his sons to step up.
Mystic's right, chicken soup is what you need. But not the kind from a can or jar ... :)
Best thoughts for you and Phil CB.. praying a speedy recovery for you both
thanks for the update.. you're the best
Thanks, CB. You always have the real story. I really love reading your posts about the DC guys and Unalaska. Sending my positive thoughts and prayers for Phil and his boys. Take care of yourself, too. Hot tea with lemon and honey and lots of rest is always my best cold remedy.
On the CM site,run by Cornelia Maries' son Morgan,he stated Phil was found on the floor of his stateroom,and that both she & Jake are at hospital with Phil.Josh remained on the boat,as it needs to be moved out of St.Paul harbor before ice moves in.
Thanks for the heads-up, CB. Glad you're doing better.
I posted here about Captain Phil as well. Our prayers are for him. He needs to get back into the wheelhouse soon.
getting rid of bad JUJU.
Thanks so much for the updates. I've got Phil and his loved ones in my prayers and you too. Hope you feel better soon. Love your blog!
thanks for being a great source of information CB.
Your faithfulness to the blog is amazing!!
So on the positive side I would like to think that since only Jake is with him that things maybe aren't as bad. If he was in real trouble then both of his sons would be there. Maybe Ms Devlin is there as not only support but to help in any possible decisions to be made - IDK - this is the way I personally am going to take it...
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