EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -- Police say a man who appeared in the Discovery Channel show "Deadliest Catch" is wanted for three bank robberies in Oregon and has been arrested in Illinois.
Police in East Peoria, Ill., say they arrested 23-year-old Joshua Tel Warner early Thursday on the Oregon bank robbery warrant after a vehicle he was riding in was pulled over for a routine traffic stop.
He was being held on $30,000 bail in the Tazewell County Jail. Police in Eugene, Ore., say he is the same Josh Warner who appeared as a greenhorn deckhand on the king crab fishing boat Wizard in the "Deadliest Catch" earlier this year.
The television reality show depicts the crab fishing industry in the treacherous Bering Sea near Alaska.
The warrant charges Warner with one bank robbery in 2007 and two in 2009.

Let me put one thing out there before I comment Further. Do NOT trash Talk the "Wizard" or the Crew on here. Captain Keith is one of the Best out there and is certainly not responsible in ANY way for the actions of his crew, or in this case FORMER CREW. Yes one of the Robberies was in 2007 but the Police did not even have Josh as a Suspect until the latest one. Keith and Monte Treat their Crews better than MANY other boats, and with Keith going after all the "Quota" he can they ALWAYS leave with PLenty of Money in their pockets.

To say I was Flabbergasted at this news is an Understatement. I "Hung Out" with Josh and Lynn last year for two days. It was after the Wizard was forced back into Harbor after getting hit with that "Rogue Wave" Here are two shots of the Wizard heading out on that fateful trip.

It sucked not being able to share that with you all at the time, but Keith asked me personally not to and it really was his and his crew's story to tell. When they got back in we all ended up Down at the Unisea where I got to meet up with Freddie from the Cornelia Marie (Which was still in Drydock).

Freddie and Lynn spent most of the night talking. I think it was good for Lynn to get another experienced Fisherman's perspective...........

.........And OF COURSE Vanessa is there as a Mother Figure to all the Guys.

I still Can't believe I had "Yeager Bombs" (One is right in front of Josh) with a Bank Robber!!

Tired Today. Will post Pictures of New Years Tomorrow.
Keith and the Wizard crew are the best! Well, after the Northwestern, of course. But still, the boat is run well and the crew is treated fairly. Josh's mistakes don't have anything to do with the Wizard.
On another note, THANK YOU so much for your year in pictures. I have enjoyed very much experiencing Unalaska vicariously through your writing and photos over the past year. Best wishes for 2010.
I can't believe that anyone is so stupid but it happens all the time I find it amusing that some of the headlines have stated him as bring a star he had his 15 mins on tv and now will get his 15 mins in court. Keith is a very nice and gracious man and those of his crew that I have met couldn't have been nicer. It saddens me that some have taken this young mans actions as a reflection on the Wizard and crew...Josh is an adult and is responsible for his own actions.
Isn't it strange to know you were with such potential violence?
Keeping DC confidences is admirable, I realize you are pressured to "share" by some of your followers. No need to publish nonpositive happenings.
I admire your integrity.
Hi CB from sunny California.
Another fisherman's wife told me about your blog spot and we both follow it. So thank you for your efforts!!!! Happy 2010 to you!
This is just rather sad. He is so young to be throwing his life away like this.
I hope that he manages to turn his life around.
If memory serves he wasn't the most honest with Keith and Monte while he was on the boat, one minute he wanted a job and the next he wanted off.. then back on.. can't image this would be Keith's or Monte's fault, you have to trust people.. he just seemed like a young man that didn't have a direction, sorry if he really headed in this direction
and I must also agree with Nebraska Outback.. thank you so much for the year in pictures, I've never gone far from your blog but I did miss a few of them, anytime DC comes up in a conversation I tell people about your blog and your amazing photos, thank you for re-confirming that for me.. You take photos like we're there right with you, and more then ever want to visit!
Thanks CB! Happy New Year!!!
oh sorry got something else to ask, speaking of DC secrets, not sure if you can tell me or not, but on last season's After the Catch, Sig and Phil joked about "trading" Jakes for a trip, so each could see how different boats are run, I was just wondering if they did that, if you can't say I understand too but I was just wondering
Happy New Year CB and everyone!
That is a shame and too a shocker. I only wish everything turns out OK for Josh. This is definitely in no way a reflection on Keith or the Wizard. Sometimes these guys don't "really know" who they are hiring just like any other employer.
I cannot believe that someone who was infront of camera's that was then broadcast acrossed the world was so stupid to go out and rob a bank...and not even wear a disguise. I mean seriously...did he think he wouldn't get caught? I just think the guy is an idiot and perhaps a little jail time might do him some good. (Ten years? isn't that the going rate for robbing banks these days?) I'm sure Captain Keith is glad he got rid of him...but probably sad at the way this boy chose his path too.
i can't say this reflects either way on Keith or the Wizard. All of the boats have probably hired someone that has issues with the law. I think most of the boats will now be more careful if and when it comes down to hiring unknowns. CB check your email
I think Keith the Wizard and her crew are great. They do a great job in some very rough conditions. I was shocked to read about this young mans poor choices. I really enjoy reading your blog and looking at your awesome pictures. Get some rest.
Why is he wearing glasses in the bar? Why is he not wearing a hat in the bar? The man in your pictures does not look like the "real bank robber" Interesting
Anonymous said...
Why is he wearing glasses in the bar? Why is he not wearing a hat in the bar? The man in your pictures does not look like the "real bank robber" Interesting
SOMEONE Needs to go back to bed and rest so she feels better and can open her shop up!!!!!!
valerie said...
Wish I could, But just watch the show. Lots of interesting things this Year.........
That picture that you have looks like Buddy Holly.
Still think they are two different people.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Oh you know I'll be watching, even rewinding every sneak peak in the hopes of seeing just anything.. another reason I want to come to Unalaska.. besides seeing how fabulous it is, I just want to follow you around to hear all the good gossip! LOL
thanks CB..nice to know we don't have the burn barrel, heres hoping they have time to show us some of the pranks, haven't seen a truck coming out of the sea in ages! haha
I had the pleasure of knowing Josh Warner. I was a really good friend of his for almost two years now. We hung out during the whole time, I now know to be his crime spree. He is a beautiful person and amazing hard worker. He made a huge mistake, but he is neither dangeros or stupid. He is an adrenaline junkie who went down the wrong path. He'll turn it around and bounce back. Don't judge him please, he's a really good guy
Josh Warner is an amazing person who made a mistake. We all make mistakes
Anon-it's obvious that you got to see another side to a person that none of us have had the pleasure of seeing. I can't speak for everyone, but I would not want to meet him. Adrenaline junkie or not...what he did was completely stupid. He committed a Federal Felony and will have to live with that "mistake" for the rest of his life. To call him an amazing person is a stretch...perhaps an amazing greedy idiot would fit better.
I'd really like to know just who the hell he thought he was?
Sorry I'm stepping off my soap box now...but it's people who glorify criminals that give others the inspiration to go out and commit crime. Just like Camano Island, WA own's Robber; Colton Harris-Moore. Who has his own Facebook Fan Page and people think he's an amazing guy. Good grief.
Don't be so quick to judge Josh Warner, we all make mistakes. Josh Warner saved my life, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. He messed up, bad. And now he's going to do his time and pay for it with the best years of his youth. He is 23 and is going to go to prison, isn't that enough.
last year when the wizard boys were home for christmas i played beer pong with crosby and josh warner, we had a blast. Josh messed up, but I know him, he is a good guy.
Keith treats his crew like shit. FYI.
Josh can be a great guy. But he can also be a jerk. And I don't know about adrenaline junkie but 'junkie' is a word to describe him. I went to highschool with the guy and he started down a bad path a long time ago. I believe his first drug convictions came at 15? The story I got from someone he used to date was that after he came home from AK he started 'selling' and then started using more than he was 'selling' and had a fairly large debt to pay to his supplier. (And I'm not talking weed here folks, I'm talking stuff that requires a syringe). And that the robberies occured to pay of his debt and then some. He knew the FBI here was looking for him and so he split. He told some people he was going to Mexico, others Canada and others the East Coast (smart on his part as far as confusing the search).
I don't care how nice it was to have a beer with him. If you are dumb enough to leave a good job, spend days shooting up heroin and then rob banks to pay your drug debt you kind of deserve whatever the judge gives you.
Very well put Marshall. I wish the media would quit calling him a Deadliest Catch "star" because a Star he was NOT.
let the judge be the judge
This kid probably didn't have a chance with the parents he had...his dad lost his dispatcher job at the police department after he abused his kids...he was a jerk and apparently Josh modeled his behavior. In my opinion, his dad should be in jail along with his son. Idiot.
I knew Josh, he was a nice kid. Sometimes I suspected he might have a head in his freezer, but other than that very respectful, and well spoken young man.
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Great blog about Deadliest Catch Fisherman Arrested. Joshua Tel Warner arrested. Photos For Sale. (LOL!) Also entitled CB has Drinks with a Bank Robber!
I really like this write! I enjoy it so much! thanks for give me a good reading moment!
cool reading!
I'd have to agree with Travis.
While it's not their fault that they hired Josh the bank robber, in general, the wizard brothers, aren't exactly model people. I can't agree with the statement about them treating people well.
I find them extremely difficult to watch, and can't imagine having to work with them.
While I'm finally starting to be able to tolerate watching Keith, Monte seems to be an especially big ass.
In the episode where he's picking on Josh, he shows his true colors with his two comments "if she was topless, she'd be welcome to stay," and "the only woman on the boat is supposed to be naked on the bow." I'm sure the few women that do work on those boats appreciated his comments.
Of course, then, one of my favorite episodes was the one where Phil Harris gets mad at the Wizard brothers for placing their pots on his, and saying he'd rather &*&^ing slit his wrists than maintain whatever little friendship they had left, or something like that. Classic.
Loved it. Sorry to see Phil go. RIP. He was the best!!!
I think Keith is a tremendous douchebag and I hope that tub of his ends up on the bottom of the Bering Sea
That is really awesome that you got to hang out with Lynn and Freddie! You're right, Keith is one of the most respectable captains. I think it sucks that Josh's crime is in any way associated with the Wizard!
Keith is a homo and was obviously buggering the greenhorn.
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I respect anyone who can do the job these guys do... But Captain Keith Colburn is not worth the air he breathes. anyone who attacks a cameraman over a cup of coffee needs to get over himself.
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