An Early morning (4:30am!) fire has taken out the Peking Restaurant and Planet Dutch for the Foreseeable future. This now leaves the island with only 5 main restaurants.

I do not know how I will live Without the Peking's Orange Chicken or Mongolian Beef!!

Headed on over to AK Ship to get some new snow removal equipment.

And Finally a Video to show off Alexander and this beautiful Day!
oh no. Hope no one was hurt. Sorry about no more mongolian beef. Hopefully they will have it back up and running soon. HUGS
Maybe you can hire the cook at the hotel!! Loved the video your day was much more beautiful than mine...we had rain, rain and tornados...
Oh dear...I would be terribly grumpy if I lost my Chinese Restaurant! No injuries I assume.
The video was just lovely! Thanks for sharing hon!
I'm sorry to hear about the restaurant. I hope everyone was okay and they'll be able to rebuild! (Although I'm still on my anti-Chinese food kick from having to smell it through the walls of my office all day. And today the building was also visited by a skunk. Skunk + stale won-ton stink = long day!)
Loved the video. Looked beautiful today... and hooray for Alexander!
CB I am so sorry to hear about the lose of the Peking restaurant glad no one was hurt. I would hate to lose my Chinese Restaurant. I do enjoy Mongolian Beef. I hope they will be able to rebuild it soon. Wow the video is wonderful loved it Alexander is awesome thanks for sharing it.
sorry to hear about the fire. Lovely in Unalaska for sure.
So sorry to hear about the restaurant! The video was great and nice to "hear" your narration. It is/was a beautiful day today!
Sorry to hear about the restaurant. That would be tough - esp if you get one of those intense cravings for Chinese. Unfortunately for me I don't have any really good places near me now - just so so. But NOW I have that song in my head that I recently shared with a friend "Cat in the Kettle" ...loved the video - great to hear you and see the gorgeous scenery
Yes, thankfully no one was Hurt!
<3 luv ya lots!! thanks for the grapes on this morning's flight!!! :D
Very appreciated by both baby and I!! :D
Wish that sun would offer some warmth instead of just bright light (especially when it reflects off the snow!)!!!
Sorry to hear about Peking, that really sux, hopefully it's repairable and they get back in business again!!
Did you hear about the ACE cargo plane that went down in Sand Point last night.... so sad :(
We are all thinking about Ace Cargo and the lost people and plane at this time. Very sad news. Ace is a great service to have out here in Unalaska/Dutch Harbor.
They did make great Mongolian beef, hopefully they will get up and running again soon. Congratulations on Your Knowledge of the CREATOR and SON! No problem with that. Have You seen the F/V Last Frontier out there? -PEACE- CrabLewi
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