Memorial Day 2011 is a cold and blustery one in Unalaska, But that never stops this town from coming out in Remembrance on this Holiday.

Brian Rankin sports his dress Uniform while his mum AB and daughter join the crowd.

About 100 people joined together, standing near the beachfront on this remote island, one of the furthest extensions of the United States to remember those who gave all so that we could be here today.

The US Coast Guard MSD Unalaska raised the Colors,

While Scout Troop 561 Raised the Service flags.

Mayor Shirley Marquardt began the program with introducing some of the Religious leaders of Unalaska Including

Father Andrew of the Holy Ascension Orthodox Cathedral,

Frank Kelty of Saint Christoper by the Sea Catholic Church,

And Roger Rowland of the Aleutian Bible Church.

Emil Berikoff of the Unalaska Native Fisherman's Association read a Fisherman's Poem while the Scout Troop Presented a wreath to the Fisherman's Memorial.

Lt. Mark Labert of the USCG presented a History of the Bering Sea Patrol before presenting a wreath to the Coast Guard Memorial

And Sam Svarny, WWII Veteran, with the Scouts presented a Wreath to the World War II Memorial. Also the Names of the Unangan Survivors of World War II were read off, which always brings tears to my eyes.

A 21 Gun Salute is provided by the Unalaska Department of Public Safety

Samuel Winters and Aiden Sandel Provided a stiring rendition of Taps.

ally Mayor Marquardt gave closing remarks on this ceremony where there was not a dry eye in the Crowd

And Finally a shot of the Wreaths against the Memorials.

So On this Day of BBQ's and Shopping Sales lets all take time and remember those for who this day was made:
It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.
It is The Soldier, not the reporter,
Who has given us Freedom of the press.
It is The Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us Freedom of speech.
It is The Soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us Freedom to demonstrate.
It is The Soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.
It is The Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag and
Whose coffin is draped by the flag
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Unalaska has so many unique "war remnants" dotting the landscape. The abandoned hospital ruin, gun turrets imbedded in the mountains and the memorial area are daily reminders of "freedom isn't free".
I have been reading of a WWII submarine being found in the area.
Thanks for always sharing Unalaska
Thanks as always for memorializing this special day.
Thank you for showing us the Unalaska Memorial ceremony, very special day.
Thank you for the Memorial Day post. As usual it was a beautiful ceremony. Wish you had gotten some nicer weather. our parade got rained out so the girls were unable to march. maybe next year
Thank you for that wonderful photo display of the Memorial Celebration. What an awesome display. I enjoy the poem very much thanks for sharing it. I wish you a great week.
God bless the American soldier, who has kept not just this country but the entire planet free and safe from those who would enslave the world.
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