So, A lot of my time in the evenings has been taken up with walking Shadow.

He's like the sweetest craziest dog around so every moment is worth it

However he DOES have a few quirks..................

His rather obsessive war with the local ground squirrel population is often a distraction that leads to many, many, many trips to the streams and outlets for baths to wash off the dirt from all that digging.

He sometimes abandons me in persuit of his obsession.......Try to find him in the above photo

He also has a rather entitled treat complex. He needs a treat after doing good things, like jumping in the stream at Summer Bay to rince off, and even when the treat is under water he will do anything to get it.

Including just putting his eyes and nose underwater but arching his back and keeping his ears out of the water.........It's just too cute for words.

He also feels he needs to inspect everything, like the New Carl E Moses Boat Harbor.

So trips up Bunker Hill become inspection details, and of course carrying on the war against the squirrels..........

Stalking the Enemy.............

..............and inspecting the Harbor.

He barked out orders a few times, hopefuly they heed his warnings

The Trail to the Top

Shadow, figuring out how much tax is being lost by boats delivering to the Boat Processors instead of the Onshore ones. And Don't even get him started on PILT!

He was rather upset that there are no Doggie steps to the Top of the Bunker, and Plans on petitioning City Council about this Clear Case of Doggie Discrimination.

This was Going to be a Glamor shot but squirrels were calling him out so he ran after them in a flash!

The Lone warrior in this fight against the Evil Ground squirrels and birds takes a short break in the sun.........

.........Then it is back to work.

His war carried us from the Spit Dock, To Bunker Hill to Summer Bay and ever to Overland Pass

(Which is amazing right now with all the wildflowers blooming BTW)

Yup, his head is several feet into a ground squirrel Den

And yes, he always checks the "Bolt Hole" too

Here's Another "Where's Shadow?"

But finally the walk ends, usually wet, a bit smelly.............

.................and always with a Treat! I'm going to miss taking this boy out all the time when Shirley gets back to town!!
Have a great Day everyone!
I had a German Shorthaired Pointer who waged a one dog personal battle against gophers and squirrels. She could dig a hole faster than any dog I've ever seen. And she never caught one. She loved to run and chase rabbits too. Now she's in heaven digging her holes and chasing those elusive ground animals.
Thanks for sharing your walks with the pooch!
Hey Shadow you have the life in Unalaska. Loved the sunny skies too! Thanks for sharing a pleasant adventure away from the job.
Loved the scenic photos of Unalaska. It's definitely a beautiful place!
A good dogsitter is hard to find. Your friend is lucky to have you.
WHAT great pictures everything looks so nice and green. I loved reading about Shadow's war with the ground squirrels. It looks like you two have had some great walks together. You are a great doggy sitter. Have a great week.
The boats in Captains Bay aren't processors - they are trampers taking finished and raw product to their next destination. While they don't bring in as much money as say taking on their cargo dockside, they do provide some revenue to the community. An example would be the vessel agents that handle the ships and fuel supplies taken on here.
Have Dakota and Shadow met?
CB, great shots as usual. And I have to say, I really, REALLY like the shot in your top masthead. What a wonderful overview of everything in Dutch.
I'm sure, by now, you've heard that Steve's dog Chico passed away. . .
I consider one and all should look at it.
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