Carlisleboy has an appointment today at the Cape Sarichef Aveda Salon at The Grand Aleutian with Katherine!

Katherine has a full range of Aveda products from shampoos, conditioners, aromatherapy, styling products, and perfumes/colognes.

And Just the thing for those Short Winter days.....A tanning bed to help brighten your day
Ok all, Off to my hair appointment!! She even talks about it on her new blog that I helped her start today!!!
Go, Give her some love!!!
Hope you enjoy the salon visit.
Love ya Bro, and thanks for the gifts. Wish we could visit - soon!!
Ah, but let's see what magic she worked on you! :)
Let us just say that all the "Natural Highlights" that certain employees have given CB over the last two months are now gone, and blended PERFECTLY with my natural color.
On my way to check out her blog. I'm a hairdresser also. Nice salon!
Morning CB! I'm always a day late posting so it's New Year's eve and only have to work half a day. Hope everything goes smooth tonight! My best to you in the New Year!
CB, Thanks for the heads up on reading the police beat. What a great way to start my New Years Eve work day, hysterical. Happy New Year from Texas.
CB, I have a question for you. I was reading some of the house for sale ads in your area. What is an arctic entry on a house?
Pics CB!!! you have this thing with being behind the camera intead of in front of it. Happy New Year sweety...expect another strange email from me today lol.
Thanks everyone and Sis!!
An Artcic Entry means a small enclosed entry way, usually unheated, that serves as a windbreak areas between the outside and the main entryway. So basically you have two doors to go through when you go home instead of just one. It really helps in keeping the interior warmer though, and is a great "Mud Room"
It is not a strange e-mail, it is a really nice gesture and I will see what I can do to make it happen for you!!
ohh i also think this a prime oppertunity to post a piture of yourself!!
1hr 40 minutes till new year here so i will say happy new year to you now :)
Thanks CB! I wasnt sure who to talk to about that. I was thinking about it all last night and was like You would be able to help me. Just dont tell anyone else. Its our little secret!
Darn, I need a haircut today. Little far to go for a haircut, however.
Thank you CB for promoting my small business, and being active in our community. It's nice to have you here on the Island. Happy New Year! And believe me...when the wind blows 100mph the arctic entry helps :)!!
It sounds like a small mudroom. Or a sheltered porch. Come on CB Picture time!! Lets see how cute you look.
Katherine is cute. Is she part Inuit?
can you email me: mcbratz-girl@hotmail.co.uk, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks
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