And HERE is how it looks right now.............

A fun Dutch Harbor Day!!!

After all that exercise I need some Sugar before tackling Brunch, Luckly Rich and Junior have been hard at works since ealy this morning..........

Now Go place your omlette orders with Junior or Jeff. (Junior is a bit tired today, Doing all that work for Dani you know)

Huevos Rancheros on Masa Cakes.........

And a Chicken Fricassee!

And Now, just for Janice, Willie has made up baked Ziti with Italian Sausage!
Ahh, Got you stumped on this one Huh? This is part of the remains of a Party thrown by the"Coasties" in one of my rooms. I can not show you the rest because we are eating and small children may read this blog. Just trust me it was bad. And Yes, that is a Luggage cart on the interior of the room, Part of a Racing up the hall sorta thing that happened in carious stages of undress.......
SO, the big news this week has got to be the weather, never deciding if it wants to be nice or miserable this week.
Captain Keith Unloaded this week and then fixed his Crane and they started the long drive back to the Opie Grounds. HOWEVER they had barely gooten out of the harbor and Had to come back for ANOTHER Repair. (Lemon Drops were consumed in large Quanities last evening)
One of my Favorite Housekeepers Aiulu and her boyfriend are heading to Miami for her month vacation. I miss her already. If any of you in South Florida See her Treat her nice!!!
Cookie Dough left and is now back!!! (Junior denies it but you can see he is missing his Mum, While she was probably missing her credit card......

Cookie Dough left and is now back!!! (Junior denies it but you can see he is missing his Mum, While she was probably missing her credit card......

Coming Home from the bar the other night I got a little Treat. Mr Fox Came out to meet and Greet. (He got a Slim Jim From me)
ANd EVERYONE on the next Wizard Chat MUST ask Crosby the Sarah Palin Story.
Is it a Young Sarah Palin? Misha? Or Trouble?
NOw, On to the Crab Count!!
*Breaking News* The Cornelia Marie is Trapped in Saint Paul Harbor by the Ice. They are still in Second Place in the Crab Count though, Only behind The Wizard.
The Wizard is Currently in the Lead, But Supposidly The NW will be making a delivery up North that will tie them up again.
And the Time Bandit just made it back to Dutch Last night. I'll Try to get some pics and info in this storm today, but do not count on it!!
Hope you all have a great Sunday
smoothies look best today Enjoy all my tablemates
Hummmmm I'm interested in the boot with glove photo. Looks like a CSI investigation photo to me. LOL
Well...NEWS FLASH...
It looks like I'm going to have to wait awhile to find out about the photo. I just got a text from CB. It seems they are getting quite a snow storm, and the internet went down! :(
Thanks for the update Mystic... so many interesting pictures, I can't wait for the commentary!
The desserts look especially yummy today! I'll be back for more!
Dessert table looks devine! Looks like the CM pic was taken before they left Dutch..
Stay warm Cb!
That room has a plant in it! Sorry, I had to get that out. It seems so out of place there.
Brunch looks yummy, as always. The dessert table is calling my name today.
Hope the storm passes quickly. I know what a pain it can be when your internet is out. I think its an artificial plant.
OMG Mystic...thats the one that caught my eye too. Brunch looks so good. Cant wait for that storm to pass and internet to get back up.
CM photo reminds me that I still haven't gotten my Jake H photo so I guess I will have to continue being a bad girl. LOL, like I needed an excuse.
I could have used that brunch an hour earlier when I was starving. Now I am full and I'm still wishing I could make the food come out of my computer
Hey Guys
Back for a bit
Going to add some new storm photos if I can to show you why the net is out here.
Yes the plant is fake
CM is stuck in the ice in St Paul and my not get back fr a while
Ok, Hiopefully this will post
Dessert, dessert and more dessert...what more could i ask for?? Looks great
Looking forward to the commentary.
The CM has absolutely no luck. Poor Phil and the guys.
Pulls up a chair by Bonnie, calling all CM fans, I'm buying because you either laugh, cry or drink and I'm thirsty.
Thanks for the update CB
Be careful out in the storm...I wondered about the boot and glove myself...brunch looks divine...
That weather is pretty hectic looking. And sounds like the coasties sure know how to partay!!!
Awww poor junior feeling tired!
What time do the chefs actually have to start work preparing the brunch? surely its an early start for them.
Some of them start at 5am but I think Junior comes in at 7 on........(making 13 go away.....
Don't worry CB, I got the 13th comment on yesterday's post. Runs away before he throws things at me.
..........Before GB Gets it) come in on Sunday.
Personally I as starting to think GB does not want her pictures of Jake...........
I still want the pictures, I am just incapable of behaving. Besides you need someone to pick on you its good for you, at least that it what my father always says.
It's a heredity trait so I'm not responsible. Is that enough excuses yet? LOL
I would take the desserts, a blanket and a fireplace on a day like that! OK, and a bottle of wine.....
jeez 5am... I couldn't do it and 7 is still early for a sunday!! Haha Sundays are my sleep in days...though I'm usually up by 10am, so its not too late I don't think!!
that storm looks wicked, be careful...wish I could sleep in any day....
what happened to the french toast this week???
Thanks for the wonderful update and fantastic brunch, but sorry to hear about the CM.
Ok CB...so, if the CM is iced in, will they have to get icebreakers up to St. Paul to make paths for the boats to get in and out?
Coasties are heading from Dutch Up there.........
You Know TECHNICALLY GB there is a picture of Jake on here today. He is climbing over the deck on the CM up by the wheelhouse..........
Guess only a Real Dedicated Fan would see that, Someone who really CARES!!!
Wonderful brunch CB the smoothies were great. Thanks for all the news like the Mr. Fox pictures how cool.
are those the same Coasties that we having so much fun in the hotel...wonder if it makes the hangover worse to break ice while your head is pounding....
CB, you rock, thanks for all the updates!
I dated a chef who did a Sunday brunch.. always had to leave EARLY on Sunday mornings! Chefs work awful hours!
Yep, Same Coasties. Part of their Ice Breaking Bonus will go to room Damages though.......
Yeah Magarita That is MR Fox. Sorta Like Alexander only a Mammel. He gets treats from me all the time too. If I ever get caught in in an avalance I will at least have enough food in my coat to survive a few Days....LOL
No French Toast this Week, They "mixed it up" this week with teh Rancheros Reading
And Dani, Junior just got Stuck while trying to go home so I have some photos of him for another post.....LOL
Since I can't even see the BIG E or the WALL THE E IS ON without my glasses you can't expect me to be able to tell who is in that tiny picture. Either that I would rather harrass you and one more thing DIET COKE RULES!!! Hides quickly
Everything looked wonderful... A spoon full of EVERYTHING and seconds on the crab fritters...
Hang in there; it won't stay winter forever. It just SEEMS like it's forever!
See ya next Sunday CB!
Tell Mr. Fox that if he eats too many Slim Jims it will ruin his foxy figure...hehehehe*snort* hehehehehe
K Im gonna cry. CB doesnt like me anymore. I behave and everything. Lovely brunch CB! love the pics. Hope the NW can deliver their first load soon. LOL at the boot and glove. Wish you had gotten pics of them racing down the halls lol.
who says he didn't...those may be his blackmail photos!!!!
I love you CB, I really do....
Awesome brunch as always CB! Wow, that really looks like quite a snow storm! Sad to hear the Wiz had to turn back, but hopefully all is repaired now! The poor CM, this has been a rough season for those guys to just get out of dock!
Dante and the Fox...adorable. (that sounds like a children's book!)
Mystic, the "foxy figure" comment...wow, nice one. haha!
*trouble* hehe
Oh gawd Liz...now I have images of the Fox as Virgil and Dante as ..uhh Dante...
What would the cantos be for a fox and a dog?
Jeezzzz...I think I need more sleep!
Thanks for brunch today CB! At least Capt Keith has his Cup O Noddles!! Hope CM gets back out crabbin soon! And I patiently wait for pics of the TB crew and crabbs!
Stay warm!!
Hugs, Lisa
Totally up to no good. We need to do that more often!
hahaha! Mystic! yes, you need more sleep! I can see it now "abandon all hope ye who enter here...woof!"
Thanks for all the pics and info. Brunch pictures have me wanting to leave "sunny Fl" and head to the "arctic north"! I see your snow storm pictures and hate to tell you that I was out in shorts and a tee shirt today, high of 76 deg and sunshine. Give Mr Fox a treat for me.
Lovely brunch, impressive blizzard, and as to the Coasties...all that is missing from that photo is an empty tube of KY. I would love to read the interaction between Dante, Mr. Fox, and Cerberus at the Gates!
Junior getting in a post twice in one week...good good!
I can just imagine it, junior being stuck and needing help while you stand and snap up some photos haha!! Can't wait to see them!!
HURRRRAHH! Blogger finally let me get to my dashboard! I was beginning to think I would have to go shovel the snow off the connection! Great post CB, and I hope you make the Coasties pay for all our drinks!
Great post CB!! food looks yummy as usually, never noticed the chocolate cake before..I'd be coming to brunch just for that!
thanks for the update as well, as always you have a way of making us feel like were right there too!
you all take care up there and stay warm!
Hi CB! You gave Mr Fox a Slim Jim? Yuck, but I am sure he liked it, but would Fish and Game approve? Hee hee hee Poor CM, she can't get a break. I will say extra prayers for her and the guys. Let us know when she gets released by Mother Nature. I showed my Mom your blog, she totally loves the pictures and enjoyed the one with the eagles eating the bait. Take care and keep warm, Cher
Roflmao Frieda! Tube of Ky indeed! Wanna see pics of guys in various stages of undress! I try not to look at the dessert pics. But man do they look so good. My tummy is still grumbling looking at them this afternoon.
CB - If I see your favorite Housekeeper, Aiulu, I will say hello. Though, I do not go down there much anymore, more crowded than where I live this time of year. If you speak with her, tell her South Beach is wild - great restaurants. If she likes horses/gambling - Gulfstream in Hallandale, FL (north of Miami)is a good tourist destination.
the chicken fricasse looked fantastic! am not in a puddingy mood so fricasse will do nicely!
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