This is me Texting Akutan's April Dawn Right after we had a toast to her since she could not join us.
Speaking of which she gave me on a mission today,

It seems there is no Corned Beef out Akutan way,

To feed the masses on Saint Patricks Day!

They seem to have Cabbage,

And Potatoes Aplenty,
But no Corned Beef,
For the Celebration!

Being the good Catholic Boy That I am,
I Bought some to send over,
to Akutan Land.
(Funny though, I always make ham)

Just one Problem with April and my's plan.........

Cause the weather went from this

To this in a very short span.

So the Corned Beef sits,
At the Airport just waiting,
To see if the "Goose" is flying or staying.
The Other option,
that April Proposes,
is the Tug Boat Greyfalcon ,
that this eveing will be sailing.
Keep your fingers crossed,
Out there in Dutch Harbor Dirt Land,
That April Gets her Corned Beef!!
(Though I prefer Ham)
CB, you are hilarious :) By the way, I was in Seattle last week and saw the Rollo & the North American in the ship canal.
Ah what a kind Catholic guy you are CB! I hope the corned beef gets to akutan soon! its so wierd. our corned beef in England comes in little tins! yours is probably nicer : )
What a kind person you are...this Irish Catholic girl is cooking hers right now....trying a new way cooked in Guiness Stout......fingers crossed that it makes it's way across the water...do you have a special green eggs and ham breakfast planned for the 17th????
OMG Corned Beef in a Can? You might as well just use Corned Beef Hash! OMG it is probably that horrid stuff from Brazil!!
I am SOOO Sorry for you Fizz Wood!!
No, THis is good Raw meat that requires alot of nice clow cooking to make it good and tender. (I usually do mine in a crock pot)
I prefer Ham, potatoes and cabbage though. I just like it better and the flavors are more for me.
I'm glad you guys had a great time! As far as St. Pats, got the cabbage, got the potatoes, need the corned beef! I hardly ever get it though...I may end up with ham too. I hope April Dawn gets hers rather by goose or by falcon!
I think the ham flavors the cabbage well. I got a call from Dutch today; heard ya'll were getting some snow. Hugs, and check your phone, I sent you a text about some mail.
Isn't Apples to Apples the best (educational) game?? I hear scattagories was also played, another one of my classroom games.
So proud of y'all for playing such great games.
I like the crock pot corn beef/cabbage all day slow cook for my family.
thanks for sharing
Well I will not be making CB and C. We do not celebrate that particular holiday sorry. I hope everyone enjoys it however they prepare it. CB you rock. So glad you are able to help April out. Check the mail the next few days CB. unless it already arrived...which I doubt. If you want anything else...let me know.
You're so sweet to help me CB!
Oh and to let everyone one know, this is a very special favor I asked because my neighbor is Irish and he's born on St. Patty's day, and he loves to celebrate every year with his traditional dinner! And we didn't happen to have any corned beef brisket in the freezers at our store, so CB to the rescue!! My neighbor is also a WWII vet, and I love helping him anyway I can! So thanks thanks thanks CB for helping me make his day!
now just crossing my fingers hoping the weather isn't as bad as its forecasted to be, so the Gryfalcon can make it over here, ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL? I LOVE that tug, I even named my blk lab after her!!!
CB that was great I love your rhyming blogs. I hope the corn beef gets to continue the journey and arrive for the celebration.
What's the Nibbley plan?? I just tried to call Alena! Had to leave a VM.
So are you cooking it April or are you going to let him?
I got a voice mail when I called too. Call the hotel to get my cell if you want......wait, just got a call from Alena. 10pm at the hotel to start?
NOO 13!!!
his wife is going to cook everything for him... I just like helping them, always great to help your elders!
Yes it is April...you are so sweet to help them...fingers and toes crossed that it makes it there in time...what a wonderful neighbor you are...
CB is a great nephew isn't he? I luck out in the nephew department! Sadly his vacation is taking him too far away from me....but we will make up for it later in the year. April you are now a neice! Good deeds get you an Aunt in my universe and respecting your elders is a gold star action! I am a cabbage and ham woman too, corned beef is just from the wrong animal to go with cabbage IMHO. Love to all...
Hope you got it April! Great work CB!
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