From Blizzard Warnings and Volcanoes,

To Beautiful Days that Take your breath away.
But enough with the Rambling, You're here for Brunch!
Let us all sit and have a bit of Lunch.

Lots of Great Meat for those on an Atkins Diet........

While salads abide for those not trying it.

Salmon Roulade for those in the Know...........

But the Crepes Ala Paul Truly steal the show.
A decadent concoction of Peaches and Honey,

..Right now I have three of them in my tummy!!

The Chicken was nice,
Dessert in second place,
But first goes to the crepes,
that I stuffed in my face!

Junior worked rather hard,
On these treats today,
All to impress,
Dani from the Isle of Eire.

A nice smile from Junior,
He must have got some sleep,
And Jeff is back,
May have to kidnap another book this week.....

Yup, a booknaping is now on the "to do" list........

........Because no one can mess with Junior when he has "dipped" 'berries!

The Volcano has really Dominated Travel all over the peak........

.....But thanks to Saint Michael I should be able to travel this week!!
Speaking of Saints,
Here is our Wonderful Mayor!
At Lunch with Sarah,
a Few weeks ago.
Why a Saint you say?
Because she saved the day,On Thursday,
at the ceremony for swearing in New Citizens of the Good Old US Of A!
A judge could not fly out,
Due to Mount Redoubt,
and so the Ceremony was going to be delayed.
"I don't Think so!" and "Get me a Phone!",
were her quick response to this crisis.
Soon thereafter,
Judge on phone,
Hands on Hearts,
Oath recited,
and 20 more people joined our Land!
Congrats Shirley on this little Coup!!

James and Zoya from the Museum,
Held an Antique "seminar"
Where people brought in their prizes to show.

And Oh look, there is Cookie Dough,
Sneaking in after answering her phone.
With Alena beside her,
they listened in Silence,
while James put on a show.

My favorite?
Zoya's Filigree Ink Pen,

Though This Black Slate Clock,
also warmed my heart,
And both would look nice in my Apartment.

And This was the View,
On Friday night,
walking home from the Museum.
A beautiful sight,
that only lasted for a few hours more.

Thank God I am friends with the Best Taxi Driver in town,
Vanessa, the wife of Freddie on the Cornelia Marie.
Because I really needed her the next morning.........

.........awaking to this.......

.........and driving through that.....

She got me to the High School in time for my Excel Class!!

In just a few Hours,
Two to be exact,
The skies parted and gave me a wonderful day!

And Now to CB's Mum,
Just as I promised,
this is the shot I took,
while we were talking.

In fact it was such a georgous day,
that I decided to take a Hike,
with my best friend in tow,
all around Bunker Hill.

The Beach is a Treat...........

..........even with no heat....

...though it got up to 45F Yesterday.

And here is my buddy!
My Number one Friend!
Who quite frankly I have been neglecting.

A day out together,
Isn't he Handsome?
And A bit of Fun in the sun.

A some might know though,
Mt Dew is a thrill junkie,
and really likes to live Dangerously

And Here are some shots,
I thought pretty good,
that might replace the title page of the blog.

Again With the Danger!!!
Such an Adreniline Junkie,
No wonder I feel like I can do anything
With Mt Dew Beside me!

Walking back home
at the end of the hike
Alows me to see this little sight.
Harbor Crown on the Left,
Unisea on the Right.
With the Bar sitting right in the middle.
Out of here for the night,
(today was a fright)
And Everyone have a great Day!
The Mountain Dew had a good day. I really hope vacation is awesome for you CB!
Sounds like it is time to stop wishing for that one last blizzard! Have a fun vacation!
Fantastic pictures brunch was great enjoyed the wonderful food. Hope you having a wonderful vacation.
Wow!! That was quite a post! Chock full of goodies!! Thanks for the hard work on all that - the pics and the lyrical telling of it all. I Hope you have a great and on time trip home! We will miss you but will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Relax and have some fun...let someone else take care of YOU for a while!
I love when your posts are picture heavy! Great stuff! Glad to hear you think you'll be able to travel!
You know, you could start a side blog of just the traveling mt. dew can. lol!
Thank you Vanessa for taking care of CB! and getting him to class on time. BTW I start class tomorrow! Looks like an interesting week. Enjoy your vacation. Brunch was incredible as usual!
Love the pix! I'll go get some Dew pix for you here some day ;)
going to miss Sunday brunch while your on Vaca, but enjoy it and send some warmth up back home ;) I'm getting tired of this weather already....
Much luv,
~April Dawn~
Dante sends slobbery little kisses and hugs ;)
Darn Junior...and opps for me not silencing that phone! The crepes look delicious! And the kid got a lot of sleep last night, surprised me by getting up before I did this am. The weather has been crazy this week for sure!!
PS Happy almost Birthday!!!!
PPS Mountain Dew is bad bad bad...all that HFCS....
Hey Bro, sorry did not get to post until today, I worked all weekend. So I should stock up on Mt. Dew for you! Cold and snow here today. Maybe you can pick up some warm weather in route. Thanks for all the beautiful pics and your expeditions with the Dew!
You should send some of those dew pics to the company. Would make for excellent advertising for them. Great pics! Hey, your BD is on Seward's Day! Enjoy your birthday and have a great vacation!
Thanks once again for a wonderful brunch! You are right... The crepes, by far, took the prize for their YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM factor! How, may I ask, can Junior stay so THIN?
I thoroughly enjoyed the pics of your walk w/ your good friend... Always there when ya need them, huh? That's the best kind; they keep your secrets too! lol
Kudos on information throughout King and Opie Season. Please let us know how the CM is doing. Sorry the weather is so bad...
I'll email you my cell #. You might be thirsty when you're coming through Seattle!
I loooooove that you post these beautiful pics of Dutch!! Especially since I live in the AZ and we didn't get to enjoy what you would call "Winter"...It was more like a temporary cold front that lasted 2 months...(I am also an avid photographer and you take some killer shots!!!)
And the brunch...the crepes look sooo friggin yummy!!
As far as changing the main photo...In my humble opinion, your 'lil buddy looks the best in the 5th one down in the Dew photo line-up...
Thanks for all you do! Hope to catch ya in Seattle on the 17th!! :)
Have to stop..........
That 13th post before Barb gets to it!!
Especially on my Birthday!!!
Love the pictures of the beach, the water looks beautiful and LMAO at you and your can of Mountain Dew, I love the pic with the explosives sign!
Have a great vacation, I think the Mountain Dew should go with you!
Everyone need to keep praying that those planes fly. There are now some people that have been stuck here for 7 DAYS!!
Junior is 17!! That's why he's thin, plus he jsut doesn't eat much...NOT FAIR!!!
Happy Birthday CB!!!
Love all the pictures looks amazing!! i want some of that food lol
And Happy Birthday to you CB!! hope you have a good one!!!!!!!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my Gawd!!!!
Can somebody PLEASE dress the mayor for these public events.
Luv ya lots! hope you have a great birthday.. will be thinking of you all day!! Don't work too hard, vacation around the corner!! Thank you for everything you do for all of us!! Today is the day to celebrate you!! :D
Much luv,
~April and Demetri Jr.~
~Tug, Roscoe, and Dante!~
I Think Shirly looks Fab, And as a Gay male my views on fashion trump all others!!
Dear friends;
I know Dutch from Discovery channel reports. I´m from Alicante (Spain). I hope, some day, trip to dutch harbor. I like your place and will trip there some day.
In this moment I was looking for a webcam to see dutch harbour and find your blog.
Regards from Spain and Happy....
Happy Birthday CB I hope you are able to get home praying the planes will be able to fly. great pictures love the rhythmic way you describe them.
I'm a day late checking in but at least I haven't missed your borthday. Happy Birthday CB!
Happy Birthday CB welcome to your 30's is in order I believe
Sorry. Gay males know nothing about how a Mayor should dress.
Now Sarah looks Fab darling.
Better late than never! Happy birthday CB! I've been monitoring the mountain and praying to the higher ups. You will make it!
I like the one with the Mt Dew can in the foreground and the fishing vessel in the background!
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