Mr Otter Stopped by to say Hi to all of you Dutch Harbor Dirt Brunchers. Too bad the lighting and the wind on the water did not allow me to get good Shots. He was really having a fun time out there!!

The Weather is weird today, trying to decide between snow, wind and sunshine. It is leading to some awesome waves and just Beautiful colors of water in the bay.

Willie outdid himself on the salads today, and the strawberry with dried cherries is just too good for words.
And the Return of French Toast, this time Orange-Walnut!
Sesame roasted Black Cod.....................
....and a cajun treat round out the main Dishes.
While Juniors Creme Brules are the centerpiece of the dessert table!
So, what was up this past week?
If you have not ALREADY gotten It I suggest going to the store NOW and pickin up a copy of Amber Benson's new Novel Death's Daughter. Just a fun read, and I even had a Midori Sour last night to toast it! (Thanks Amber!) Check out her blog in my blog links !
Almost got taken down by a Coast Guard plane that decied that it was "too Cool" to follow the rules one day this week.
Got to see the Cornelia Marie Down at the Delta Western Dock, but they snuch out of harbor before Friday 13th hit so no close up shots or pics of the guys.
Went over to Cookies with Alena and Had a great night! Great pizza, good drinks and lots of Fun games. (And ALL of her kids and the other kids that were over are all so good and polite and nice, Something rare these days it seems)
Got a CD from Mama Was........
And did a t-shirt exchange with Kim this week.Too Kewl!!
And Finally the Saga of the Corned Beef Rounded out the Week........
...........but because of the weather could not be flown over to Akutan by "the Goose"........
........so instead is taking the Gyrfalcon Route. (If you do not get it right away April track this guy down!!!)
The weather was weird all last week and this week looks to be cold and Snowy. (Maybe I will get that blizzard I want yet!!)
Toasting Amber with a Midori Sour Last night at the Chartroom before hitting the Unisea Bar
Cookie Dough and Alena, Again dressing like twins!!
And some of the most influential women in Unalaska all sitting around having a grand time!
ANd Here it is, FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Cookie Dough Entering the Unisea Bar!!
And She and Lauri from Life on the Rock (Unalaska one) are he responding to one of the Worst pick up lines ever!!
So, With 4 of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor Bloggers in one place what else could we do but have a round of "Duck Farts"
(Though Alena Had Tequlia.............)
Yeah, they really are that Tasty!!! LOL
Travis from the Wizard doing something I can not really describe in a family friendly blog with Ketchup Bottles....
Lynn from the Wizard with Macguiver. (Look Ma, no more black eye!!)
And Crosby with Me and Cookiedough to Round out the night. I know CD's Friend is now a "fan". We will have to see about CD and Alena! Make sure to check out my blog links at teh side for all these other peoples "take" on last night. It should be fun!!!
Anyway, I better get going, the Weather is being weird and I still want to see the City Council off at the Airport for the big trip to Juneau. (More on that Tomorrow!)
Have a great Sunday everyone!!
Thanks for the pix of the dvd CB what a surprise.
I like the snowpeas dish please with full caffeine coffee this AM
I am mentally ready to retuen from Spring Break for way too much drama in my department at school for last quarter.
Please send good thoughts and prayers my way blog friends
It was all for Martha McGuyver...she has pics to take home to Kentucky now! I have to be polite to a guest, right?? And I'm not ready to rtn from Spring Break! I have classes from 2 schools --two stupid classes ididn't have a break at all --1 was on break this week and 2 next week. I wanted this week to catch up...
Sounds like a super busy week! CB you rock on the tshirts. if I see any more that I think you will like Ill send them on their way lol. I turned around and saw that first one and was like OMG CB would just die! I hope they fit and you enjoy them.
brunch looks fantastic....pass a me Duck Fart, please...looks like everybody was having wonderful time...
This is one of my favorite posts! It's just so chock full of nuts! (I mean that in the best way!) As far as brunch, I'll just have everything. Thanks!
You guys look like you had the best time! I love it! It's never a bad thing to see the Wizard boys! yay! Glad Lynn's eye's cleared up. I do wonder what Trav is doing with...to? the ketchup, and Crosby... ah, Crosby.
Hey CB great pics!!! Brunch looks amazing. I agree Elizabeth, Crosby is a hottie!!! He seems like he's such a nice guy. Please please tell me he's still single. CB? Not that I would have a chance but it's nice to dream.
Tulsa, OK
I got the brisket...
The food looks awesome!
Interesting selection of alcohol... and I love that both you and I drink Midori Sours!! I love mine with orange juice! LOL at the duck farts.. I swear everyone out in this region drink those like all the time!
Thank you for everything!
~April Dawn
What no pic's of Russell? i know he was there too!! :P
What no pic's of Russell? i know he was there too!! :P
I do admit...Crosby is very very nice to look at! Very beautiful smile!
Looks like you guys all had a great time and oh, some "rare" CB pics! Cookie Dough - first time in Unisea bar? Oh, why? Please dish! Glad you got your corn beef April. I just love this time of year. I put the corn beef and cabbage in the crock pot and let it cook all day! It's so good! Donna - that was so nice of you to send CB the DVD. There are so many on the forum that have not seen that special. I unfortunately don't have a DVD, but a regular VHS from my relatives in Seattle. Beggars can't be choosers. Enjoy the DVD CB - us NW fans think it's great!
Hey, what's in a midori sour?
lol just not my habit to go out, it's all Alena! she's a bad bad influence...although I was told I have a big mouth and she's never taking me anywhere without duct tape...just in case she needs to use it!
HEy Now CD!!!
According to your Son I am the bad influence.................LOL
and now..........
.......I am doing my best to mess up comment 13!!
I had a great time everyone! CD, Macgyver and Alena are all great fun!
To the Spring Breakers I say Run!
Kim, The T's fit fine, you would have seen me wearing them in the photos but since we started at the Grand I could not wear that one shirt........
Crosby is still single.......
Midori Sours are just Midori, a squeeze of lime, sours mix and ice. NUMMY though thought with the OJ April.
Did not see Russ Panic.
ANd Hi to Lori. I am doing Ham and cabbage for tuesday in the crock just because I like it better.
OK, Back to work now
When you wear them...have CD take pics for me please!
I think you two are double-teaming me! It's both of your faults :)
With all you do for your kids, your job, and you college and community duties you NEED a night off once in a while just to keep your sanity.
Plus it kept me out of real trouble.......LOL
So CB did you actually hear that from the horse's mouth or is it just speculation? I had been hearing that Crosby had found someone of interest.
Tulsa, OK
Right from that cute little mouth under that adorable mop of hair!
Thanks CB you're the best!!! I bet the girls go crazy for him there!!!
Tulsa, OK
Why did the Crosby and the young Sarah Palin comment get deleted?
The Duck Farts look good but I'm with Alena....Pass the tequila! Thank you CB for another amazing blog and I hope all is well in your world.
CB brunch was awesome loved all the pictures of the otter and the bay. I hope you get your blizzard. Glad the brisket had a successful journey. Happy Saint Patrick's Day enjoy a Midori Sour to celebrate.
Happy St.Patrick's Day to all!!! The pics were fantastic and know they are still in port celebrating with you yet.Thank you for the lovely Brunch. I gained two pounds just looking. I havent seen the Baklava in the pics did I miss it ?? Looks like you always have a great time and thank you for serving up some delicious dishes of food, crews, and news from the North. Many hugs. CJ
Or is it Crosby and Trouble?
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