It is quite a ways away from us, but is still affecting us in major ways.
This is from the 1989 Eruption, not the Current one!!
We have not had any planes fly in or out for several days. This means no Mail and a full hotel of people done with the season and just wanting to go home. Let's just say SOME of them are not "Happy Campers"
One of the Flights that usually come in several times a day. NOT HAPPENING NOW!!
So no flights in and out of our charming little airport, Grumpy guests, and a few employees waiting to go on vacation that are really "Fracking Pissed" to use the Battlestar Galactica terminology.
Which is a shame because the weather has actually been "brilliant" out here. When that sun comes out on all the new snow it is BLINDING!
ANYWAY though, Because we are alot busier than we were supposed to be I had to call in some people that had today off to handle the extra work. To try to make up for it, and give them all a bit of a energy, I baked three Desserts last night for them to snack on all day while at work,
My Homemade Lemon Squares.........
.........My special recipe Chocolate/Peanut Butter Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.....
....and a White Cake with Fudge Bits and Mini Chocolate Chip Icing.
I am REALLY starting to miss the Mail, especially as I am waiting for something from Mystic!!
Anway though, have a Great Day
It is beautiful but I would be wearing wrap around sunglasses! You are mighty good to your staff son, and that is the mark of a good manager. Proud of ya.
You are making the lemon squares when you get here!!!
Typed while munching on a stale graham cracker --CB! Don't you have any errands on this side??? We neeeed choc pb cake, although lemon bars are good too! Geez...why didn't I go to lunch today? I went MON, going tomorrow....but NO I miss the day when I could mooch a treat!
What lucky people, you make some extremely good looking desserts for them!! They have made me soooo hungry...i might just have to go get some ice cream now lol
soooo. What did Mystic send lol. thanks for the info about Mt Redobut. Gives us a beter idea of where everything is.
OMG CB you have to give me the recipe for the Chocolate PB cake. That looks so good I want to lick the screen!!! Hopefully Redoubt will calm down soon! Take care!
I hope the ash blows away so you can get planes in and out soon. You treat your staff very well, how nice to make some sweet desserts for them to snack on. You will have to send our buddy CD some of your chocolate peanut butter cake. She would love it.
Hmmmm Lemon Squares. lol
I am so coming to your house for dessert as soon as I can get a plane into Dutch....you as so kind to your employees....
Oh man, no mail, no travel, no food! That's NO good! I know that promises to be a sticky situation!
Now those deserts, those look great! Of course...anything covered in frosting gets my vote!
I hope you get your mail services again soon, a box from Mystic is always a good thing!!
Cheers CB!
Those dessert look just delicious!!!!!
April Dawn posted on the inconveniences from this eruptio.
Loved the map information Thanks CB
CB you are awesome! I mean just awesome!
bah dont let it sit at 13.
I had linked in to this website as indicated by a fellow AK blogger:
The pictures are awesome! There is also some terrific pics on the Anchorage Daily news website.
Your pics of the island are beautiful and I would so enjoy the time there now, but can understand why everyone wants to get home too!
Hi CB! Those lemon squares look so good, they are my favorite. I have a problem with them sticking to the pan when I make them, so what's your secret recipie? Really, I want your recipie, unless it is top secret. You are a good manager and I am sure your employees appreciate it, if not they are nuts! Have a great day, Cher
What does the mysterious message on Dan's blog mean?
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