I just got this book the other day and can not stop reading it. Just Fun!!
If you like what you see and read I have set up my new Shelfari Shelf so you can order it right from there through Amazon.

From the creative mind of award-winning actress and writer Amber Benson comes an inventive and witty new series of fantasy novels to die for.

Amber Benson co-wrote and directed the animated web-series Ghosts of Albion with Christopher Golden for the BBC. The duo then novelized the series in two books for Random House. Her first solo novel, Death's Daughter, will be published by Penguin in 2009, with a children's book for Simon and Schuster called The New Newbridge Academy to follow later that year. As an actress, Benson spent three seasons as Tara Maclay
on the cult show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ( I almost stopped Watching when she was killed)She has also written, produced, and directed three feature films, including her latest, Drones, which she co-directed with Adam Busch and will be released later this year.

Im gonna have to read that. It looks good. Thanks for the heads up!
That sounds like a fun read. OH GOSH, Buffy! My sister and I used to watch that together. She was all about Angel, I was all about Spike.
I Was a Spike Guy too!!!
wow..my sister and I liked Willow's g/f..I like Angel the best myself!
spike is tooo skinny!!!
Oh, but Spike had those eyes and those cheekbones!!!
Spike without a doubt!
hi CB and all my DHD buddies!!
Thanks for the review
But Spike made a Buffy-Bot that was just wrong! Angel is sensitive and broody and I LOVE when the story took him back a few hundred years!
The book sounds great...I'll have to see if paperback swap has it...
Thanks for the book idea! I'm so going out to get it ASAP. I'm always looking for something new to read.
Thanks! M
I was going to resist but I have no will power - 13th comment, hee, hee.
no evil child. bad. bad bad bad
Now that I have seen it I must read it, so I am off to Amazon. Thanks CB, you know I am always looking for a good book.
All of Buffy's guys were hot!!!
Loved that show!
Ok Everyone!!! FAVOR to ask. Amber Benson just put a post up linking to my blog so I need everyone to head over to her blog and say thanks!!!
I have posted her link in my blogs!
BTW have you gone out and bought the book yet?
Hey CB maybe we can get you a job reading the books and reviewing them before they are widely released or does the Dutch Harbor Fisherman have a book review column....
posted to her blog. AWESOME!!! God youre getting too famous for us! HUGS!
Hey CB it's me Sally. I forgot my password. I have a question for you, and it really important to me. I read on another blog the your straight and single boss,also your friend, has been in a long term relationship with a certain lady on the island. Is this true? I know I can count on you to be honest. I really don't want to make a fool of myself.
I drove right over to Borders to buy the book but they didn't have it! I was annoyed. They said the order is late. Tomorrow I will go to Barnes and Noble and hope for better luck. I love the premise and really enjoyed the "tease" that was provided for reading. I have another 4-5 hour Iron transfusion Thursady and I NEED something cool to read.
Awesome book CB I am ordering a copy ASAP. I use to watch Buffy all the time loved it.
Hey CB! Spent last January in Kotlik and Russian Mission video-documenting the band, Common Rotation, as they played a bunch of gigs there. It was an amazing trip and I kinda fell in love with Alaska in the process. Will definitely be checking out your blog now to get my Alaska fix :)
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