Ok, NEW Screensaver. Just an awesome shot of an Eagle in flight with the NW as Backdrop!

Yes, Those are all eagles Brought out by Matt's tossing of the Herring overboard!

Thought I would include a Google Map for those who have not seen my other ones. The Blue line is the path of the NW out of Dutch.

Matt's Way of eating a burger is rather........unique. All the Lettuce, Tomato and what not is removed, Then the Cheesebirger is eaten. Then all the veggies get eaten after being dipped in Ranch Dressing. During the entire time French Fries are consumed between, while generous amounts of PEPSI (Not quite Mt Dew, but close enough) are imbibed.

Had to go in for a closeup look to make sure that one Juvie on the NW was not Alexander.

AND Finally the visable track out of the Harbor for the NW. If you blow up the Google Map you can see the bridge that is in this last photo.
Have a great day everyone!
roflmao love the way Matt eats a burger! Truly as unique as the man himself! Love the other pics too.
CB, how were we lucky enough to have you living in Dutch?? I wait every day for your commentary and pics. Thanks for everything you do to entertain us and keep us informed. XOXOXO, Sindee
More great pictures! Wow that’s a lot of eagles! Thanks for the map too, gives a great perspective!
Great shots! I can't get over seeing so many eagles in one place! Good luck to the NW as they set sail.
CB, have we told you lately how wonderful you are? If not, YOU ARE, and we probably don't let you know enough. Even though the NW is headed home, keep up the blog posts. I look forward to them every day.
CB the eagle shot is awesome!! I enjoyed the pictures today thanks for sharing them.
the eagles on the masts is my favorite picture CB
Matt can add a bowl and enjoy a regular salad.(he..he..)
CB check your email!! need a reply
Love the pics. That's a lot of Eagles Matt attracted with the food. Looks like nice weather.
CB darling...the pics are fabulous...I really enjoy seeing all the wildlife, it must be wonderful to live in a place where you can see the eagles flying around...
The photograph of the eagles perched on the masts/radar/sodiums is just stunning.You might consider having a professional print done and sending it to the Hansens.
Yeah, I like the eagles in the rigging photo, nice work!
Is that a DC cameraman on the pier filming Matt feeding the eagles?
Can't leave the comments at 13. You got some great shots! Hard to believe we got hammered by that snowstorm on Monday- 13 inches. I've got 2 foot drifts on the roof and the gutters are frozen so when the thaw comes the water is going to flow over the gutters instead of thru them. Not happy.
Thanks CB! Hey, are all the DC staff gone or have they stuck around to finish up some offloading filming? And are ALL boats back in? Just curious....
I check in on your blog everyday....thank you so much:)
ooo CB... you are the best!
Thanks for all the great pics and updates, CB. For ALL you do!! You rock!
Hi CB! We know you are busy, thanks for the updates and great photos, you Rock! I saw the LA Ink episode where Matt got his pin-up girl tattoo on his calf, the artist did a great job! It is very pretty and the story behind it about his grandfather was funny. Can't wait for news about the beautiful CM. Take care, Cher
Hi CB! Really loving the eagle pic, I agree with Liz, it's amazing how many are there. We have some in Florida but nothing compared to up there! Great to hear the NW is done for the season, and LOL at Matt eating the burger.
Jax - read your profile and got a question for you, but don't want to ask here. Add your email to your profile and we'll correspond (from one Floridan to another!).
OK Lori, it's on there now!
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