Burning or trashing books, ANY BOOKS, even environazi lie-filled books like all of Al Gore's, is a crime against the entire human race. Radical Islamists, Nazi's, Some southern Baptists, radical Enviromentalists and many other groups have committed this blasphemy.Censorship by mob rule. Monsters and Scum all I say!! And the New "Fairness Doctrine" being talked about by idiots like Pelosi and Reed in Washington DC is just one more form of censorship. Do you really think the German people of the 1930's saw the evil of the Nazi's at the beginning when they promised a "rebirth of the Fatherland"? No. They just time after time handed over more power and sovergn rights to the "party" in exchange for "security" both monetary and political, Until it was too late. Remember history America or Be doomed to repeat it!
Anyway this rant is coming about because of what a guest left in the trash at the hotel.



I would love to post his name all over the internet but that would be unprofessional and illegal.
Are these books great works of literature or even socially pertinant? Probably not, but they are BOOKS and deserve the same respect as Shakespere, Plato, or Amber Benson!
So, to you sir, whomever you are:
PS Lauri, Got a Whole bunch of library books here for you!
Ohhhh, I want a name and contact information! I am a bibliophile and often "save" books abandoned in public places and find them a new home.
lol my husband is one too. Alena...do you manage to read paperbacks without cracking the spines too?
go get em CB! no one should toss books like that.
I agree
"I might not agree with what you say but I iwll defend your right to say it"
Library books?...those were not his/hers to throw away to begin with, they belong to the library!! I sure hope there are, at the very least, fines attached to his/her library card AND a note not to let this person leave with a book again! SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!
...not to metnion the replacement cost to the library for the books...money that could go towards other needed things...just because some SOB was too darned lazy to make a trip to the library to return some books....yeah CB...I'm pissed too!
I hate people who dont treat books well...I hope the staff at the library goes after him - maybe they will burn his library card....what an odd assortment of books...
I'm sure you can all imagine my anger at this "patron" (who by the way WILL be banned from future use of ALL of the services we offer!)..I will tell a story about when I first started at the library on my blog today...my heartfelt thanks to CB!!!
It's just so...odd! It's not as if they're some controversial writings. What would possess someone to throw away perfectly good books? Nautical info, biology, math...it just doesn't make sense. Something seems sketchy.
I'm glad you saved them. My father is a book salesman and books and libraries have been an important part of our lives in multifaceted ways. I'm glad to see some folks still respect them, even when others don't. Cheers to you CB!
CB...I picked up Amber's book over the weekend based on your recommendation (I'm a Jim Butcher fan). Thanx for the heads-up!
Throwing out books?? I'm speechless . . . .
La isla....I LOVE Jim Butcher too!! Just check out my Shelfari shelf!
How awful to toss out library books, not only is it rude but it is depriving someone of reading those books. Too many try to censorship the written word, books are a wonderful source of entertainment and education. I hope the library goes after this fool.
What possesses people to do such stupid things? Just glad you found them and returned so that other people may enjoy! I just so hate it when I go to the library and try to find a book for them only to say, the book has been lost, stolen or misplaced, which probably means, not returned.
CB....You're the best! I love reading your blogs. Thank goodness you found and rescued those books! (I really can't understand how someone can just throw away stuff that doesn't even belong to them...it's a shame that we have to share this earth with people like that, they need their own island)
OMG, what a jerk! Especially when you find them and your are like the king of books. They should impose a fine as long as the name you have on file and the one the library has on file are the same! That would be like throwing away a movie after you rent it! Un-freaking-believeable!!!!!!
What an ASSHOLE! I absolutely TREASURE books! I have close to a thousand in my personal library.
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