A Little bit of winter has come back to Dutch. But I really wanted MORE SNOW and LESS COLD!! Boilers and heaters have been going out all over Unisea, so this has led to some chilly nights in some apartments and LOTS of Overtime for the Maintaince Department. I actually think this MAY be the coldest it has been sice I got here. High Teens to low 20's the past few nights with Wind Chills down to -1 According to Veda over at the Unalaska Advertiser. Sorry to Lauri Over at Life on the Rock But I am still hoping for at least one Good Blizzard with LOTS of snow!! (Something to fill up those skinny dipping pools up in the Hills this summer that I got told About By Alena's Sister Lars and TROUBLE!)

You can always tell which way the Wind is blowing because of the Drifts through the rocks lining our Parking lot.

I was up at Veda's when I caught Alexander Showing off down by the Dumpster. (And Snacking on a pile of Fried up Chicken Trimmings that SOMEONE brought from home this morning for him)

Speaking of Alena and her Real Unalaska I wonder if Travis is going to have anyone asking him shortly "Was it 'Good Touch' or 'Bad Touch'"?

Katherine from Cape Sharief Aveda Salon is once again Abandoning my hair. This time for "GVT Business" in Juneau, along with almost all the rest of City Council and Staff.

Get back safe and Soon Kat, I need my hair done before I go on Vacation!!

And Finally One of my Housekeepers Ardis had to make an Emergency trip to Hawaii to see her sick mother. Miss you already!!
You may be asking yourself WHY I go to the airport to see people off so much. I and others have noticed a curious Cause/Effect Relationship. When I go and see people off at the Airport the planes land and take off with no problems. No plane that I have been on or seen someone off on has ever been canceled. (As Happens all too often out here) We even got Dante over to his mum April at Akutan: Village life on the Rock on the ONE plane that made it through that day. Cookie Dough's plane got through during that one storm, and Ardis got off yesterday even though the plane had mechanical problems and had to stop off in King Salmon before it reached Dutch.
I already have three requests to see people off on their vacations. Probably 4 once CD sees this for that School Board Trip to Juneau!
Anyway, have a great day Everyone!
your airport is so "quaint", I imagine you still pass through a security of some sort.
How do they prevent intruders from getting to the planes from the road they close for the take offs and landings?
Maybe there are motion detectors, but with the awful Dutch storms, many false alarms could be triggered.
lol I wonder if Travis even minded where her hand was! Doubt it! Poor CB. Did she do your highlights before she left?
Winter again...the sun is shining and it is warm enough to go swimming here....I love looking at the snow - it is beautiful....
There is a large fence all around the airport. And God help the person or persons who try to mess with our airport. They would end up in a crabpot at the bottom of the Bering Sea.
Kim, Yes, she did do a trim, but I am saving my "highlights" till roght before I go on vacation.
Reading. HI!!!!
So you bring good juju! Excellent!
well at least she trimmed it. when is she due back?
Hi CB - I love your blog and how you have thrown yourself into life on UnAlaska....hope nobody has anywhere to go while you are gone on vacation...
CB, Reading is getting her pool ready for our visit....you can ride down with me! lol.
hey the child has already been swimming...I think the water temp was 60 something....we did turn the heater on after that...
Wonder what the temperature of the skinny dipping holes in the hills will be when CB gets to try them out....darn I wish DH was closer!
Thanks as always for sharing your pictures. I never thought your scenery would include a blue Pontiac Firebird from the 70's. I had to enlarge the pic cause I couldn't believe what I was seeing. lol Thanks again.
The skinny dipping holes will be pretty cold, but it doesn't matter. After the hike to get there, it feels damn good!
Man I wish id have had you around for airport luck when i lived there. every flight I booked for a whole year was canceled.Cookie Dough called me the Shlep Rock of flying! The Island is lucky to have not to mention there plants ;op
Still in meeting.but killing the 13th comment
BTW everyone, I finally got the links to work in the main text, so everytime you see a highlighted word you can click on it to go to that persons blog
Ah, CB I need your graces when I fly! I get stuck on the most ghettoed up, delayed flights that airlines have to offer!!!!
Loving the pics as always!
you better be at the airport whenever I go thru ;) that's if your there!
Vacation is sneaking up on you fast already!
I wish the snow and cold can go away. Back to cutting my lawn and enjoying the sun and FISHING!!!
Dinner was great last night, I left my camera at my in-laws and wasn't able to get photos though :( Thank a lot CB!
LOL at the rocks and the snow drifts created by the wind!!
Hey CB
We had 61 degrees here in Mass today. Rain tomorrow, but if we get anymore snow here, you will be able to hear me all the way up there yelling! I love all the pictures! Thanks so much! Mary
You better come when we go!! (Gulp better order his clothes I forgot to do that!) I refuse to let him wear that horrid bright blue hoodie so you may get a pic in something else, maybe I can get him to wear his wool pea coat.
Security? HA! There is nothing of the sort here. And they don't even watch for drunks very well. Martha Macguyver got a couple of St. Patty's day revelers kicked off her flight yesterday ROFL...she said, "Do you REALLY want him to sit in the emergency row? I know I don't! Where is the other exit?!" He threw a fit and he and the dummy who almost walked into the propeller didn't go.
Our airport is not quaint, it's pretty awful, but it works. You can look around and not even know you're in Alaska, heck not even in the USA
Hey CB love the pictures please make sure you see our mutual friend CD's plane over so she has a good trip. the next time you see her tell her that her crazy Southern pecan lady says "hello." Enjoy the snow I'll enjoy our nice spring sunshine. Thanks for sharing all those great pictures.
ohhh I've been to the Heritage Coffee Co. while in JNU.
I liked it so much I even bought a t-shirt. It's nummmy. Now tell the gift shop to carry Alaskan made things too!!
I was curious as to why you went to the airport so often. I thought it must have something to do with parking. You seem to have a lot of problems with airport parking there.
I need you to carry me to the airport, I have the worst luck with flights.
what is the parking problem at the airport? I've only complained about Eagle...and not even very much in the last year LOL
Did Katherine give Trav his haircut? It looks so neat and trim! Thumbs up!
Great pics as always...
Wish you had been around to see me off from Germany...30+ hours stuck in Dulles Airport. Boo!
OMG Everyone! I never get stuck in airports. I used to fly alot and even on internationals I never got stuck. I have given up my seat a few times for perks and upgrades (like FIRST CLASS on a Virgin Flight to London...SOOO Nice and an extra night in New York at Virgin's expense) but never been stranded.
I have said it before and will say it again:
Thank You Saint Michael!!
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