OK!! Now On to BRUNCH!!
Rich and his boys have REALLY outdone themselves on some of the Wonderful food today!
This Cheese Tray was amazing..........
.......but not as good as the salads and this Amazing Tomato Tart. (Yup, I had two pieces)
Everyone say Hi to Paul!!
Of Course the all-you-can-eat Crab and Shirimp is Present..........
But give me French Toast and I am a happy boy!
This "Chicken-Parm"-like entree has a wondeful Hazelnut crust.........
...And the salmon has a great Red Curry/Coconut sauce.
Junior Posing with His Desserts, and His new Red Streaked Hair. (What, For Strawberry Season?)
And Jeff and Jack Round out the Day.
And Now some of my last shots from PA. There is my Step-Dad Ernie, Mum, Austin and CB's Little Sis Joann!!
It was like 5am when they dropped me off at the Airport In DuBois PA!
And then I have to get on a "Plane" that is even Smaller than the one we take to Dutch for the flight to Cleveland where I can get on a real Jet.
Seattle Was beautiful as I flew in that Day. Spent the night there then Flew to Dutch the next Day.
What was one of the first things on the Agenda? GROCERY SHOPPING to replenish my Fridge.
If you want to see more of CB's Apartment check out http://unalaskamom.blogspot.com/ under CB IS HOME!! on CookieDough's Blog!!
Speaking of CookieDough she, Katherine (http://capesarichefsalon.blogspot.com/) and I were all Pourers for the Convention and Visitors Bureau Annual Wine Tasting Extravangaza!!
CD Unrapped the Champagne...........
.........While CB "popped" the Corks!! (And made CD jump each and every time!!)
The Food Was Amazing (Thanks Rich and All the Rest of the guys!!) But of Course what really made the night special was seeing all my friends..............
.........Alaska Steve (http://senseofplace63.blogspot.com/) and Goldfish..........
...........The Sunderlands and Mayor Shirley Marquardt...........
...........Greggers and Maricel, and Everyone Else that I missed getting pictures of because we were so Busy!! (Sorry GG!!!)
It was a full house, and Everyone had a Great time. The other bloggers often ask me What do these people from all over the world find so interesting in Dutch Harbor/Unalaska? Besides the Deadliest Catch I believe it is our wonderful community where events like this take place. I don't believe there is anywhere else like this in the world, where Fish Processors, Housekeepers, Doctors, Maintaince men and the Mayor of the city will all come to the same event as friends. Some might call it a "Simplier" way of life up here. I call it "Better". No Gang Shootings or murders. No Drug dealers pushing their poison on the street corners, No Child Predators, No 20 car-pile ups and 2 hour commutes. Americans being Americans and acting like the rest of the country should. Every town should be like this!
And Finally I have to end with the best outfit of the night. I love this 40's-50's inspired dress with the little pillbox hat and the slits in the skirt!! Perfect Hourglass Figure and flawless skin. Much more beautiful than any of those stick figure Hollywood nightmares you see on TV. If CB "Swung" that way.......
Anyway though, It is good to be back!!!
Have a Great day!
Welcome back CB! Brunch looks good but tell Junior we need (ok I need) chocolate covered strawberries.
I agree that the dress and the lady modeling the dress look absolutely stunning.
Great brunch CB the food looked delicious. So nice to see the pictures of the wine tasting. Great picture of Dan and Alaska Steve together. It looks like you and CD had loads of fun at the party.
Great post, and I agree with your comments on life out here. Gee CB, I'm starting to wonder if you were flying "home" when you left Dutch for the east coast, or were you flying "home" when you boarded the plane to come back here?
You've fit in well out here young man; good to see you last night.
Glad you had a great vacation and a safe return. The photos of brunch always put me in "I wish" mode...I wish I could eat all the damn crab legs..I wish I could eat those desserts...;-) Everything always looks so wonderful and well presented...kudos to the chefs! I love your comment on community. You are right. It would be great to live in a place like you do. Life would be simpler and less chaotic I am sure. I hope everyone enjoyed your gifts and I bet they are glad to have you back!
It all looks fantastick and you are so lucky to live in such a wonderful place....and you are right there are very few places that people from all walks of life can get together and have such a wonderful time....I love the dress and the model looks stunning.....
Great blog CB, you haven't lost your flair...Looks like everyone had a fabulous time at the tasting...I welcomed my fiance home from the Bering Sea last night...so we stayed home and had our own little private party, 'twas delightful...and Brina looked stunning! Welcome home again!
Unalaska is a great place to read about in the blogs, slice of rural America!!
Welcome back to your new community
Thanks for brunch CB. It's nice to have you as our connection to your wonderful community. I agree that dress is stunning! You looked wonderful as well! Thanks for taking the time to share it all with us! Have a great week and don't work too hard!
Wow that was a fabulous first brunch back from PA! CB your words are really heartfelt. You are right. I am envious of what you all have up there - a connection with your fellow neighbors, community and a lot of cool things going on...good for you that you appreciate it. Too often, we seem to be in a "grass is greener" mode and don't appreciate what we have.
That looks wonderful. Yeah wheres the chocolate covered strawberries. Love Juniors hair!!
What do you mean last Sunday brunch?
Oooo, the cheese and fruit tray looks delish! And French Toast!
And always the desserts can’t be passed up!
Really wish I could have been to the wine tasting with you guys, it looked fun!
I totally know and agree with what you mean about how life out here is. I am happy most of the “big city” problems: like gangs, shootings, murders and the such aren’t really experience out here. It makes it a really great place to raise children! Especially like over here where you know it’s safe to let your kids go out and play and have a set curfew for when they have to be home, knowing there isn’t much trouble they can get into or being kidnapped or anything else!
Well much luv, hope you and everyone like your kulich! Happy Russian Easter! And WELCOME BACK, WELCOME BACK, WELCOME BACK!!!!! Good to have your home again!
~April Dawn~
I'm with April - last Sunday brunch? Oh, no.......Great posting. Love all the pics of the wine tasting. And yes, from all of us in the lower 48 - you've hit it right on the bull's-eye:
"I believe it is our wonderful community where events like this take place. I don't believe there is anywhere else like this in the world, where .... all come to the same event as friends. Some might call it a "Simplier" way of life up here. I call it "Better". Americans being Americans and acting like the rest of the country should. Every town should be like this!"
Oh, and yes, DC too! Have pity on us - we can't help it ~ LOL!
I love the green shirt CB! You matched with CD.
and Im not letting it sit at 13. bad bad bad
I envy you folks up there living the simple life. Here, we have had 12 gang related murders already this year! Also, a scum bucket who admittedly molested 50 kids is out & living down the road from my parents in the country, with a 24 hr guard costing us tax payers over $350,000 a year to house him. Should have left him locked up, only was costing us $187,000 a year then. Enjoy what you have up there and God bless.
I said it MAY be the last Sunday Brunch since Dan and Alaska Steve Actually , FINALLY met after years of never having done so. Some people believe that this may be the start of the end of the World!!
PS Lori Thanks for the Card.
PPS April Thanks for the Easter Bread!!
GREAT photo of AS & K! AS is one lucky guy!
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