And just a group shot, Lots more pictures Tomorrow.
In other places that I have lived the kids would have had to pass through metal detectors and they would have had to separtate certain "Clicks" or "Gangs" from one another. Not here. These kids and This school is what every school in the country should be like!!!
Who could imagine? A Norman Rockwell Community perched on an island in the middle of the Bering Sea. Yeah, there are problems, (Alcohol being a big one) but for the most part this is just one of the best places I have lived in my whole life!
Lots more tomorrow!!
We have great kiddos here, and a great school system too! Great to see so many businesses participating in the Career Fair too. You were a hit! I have enough soap to last for a couple years ??random.
I did buy 3 gifts for all my moms...real mom, step and in-law. And sent cards. I also bought myself 2 pairs of glorious shoes from Garnet Hill and made brunch reservations hmppphhhhh... I do have a card on my table from the boat guy!
CB I was just telling Aunt Freida that you have really found a home in Dutch...how lucky is that to live in a great place, with great kids and judging from your blogs a newfound family...
CB that is awesome the kids look happy. glad you had a god career fair. What a great home you have found in Unalaska can't wait for the big Mother's day brunch.
It sounds ideal CB!
the sea, the beauty of an island, great kids, Its what everyone dreams of isn't it? :D
thank you for everything!! I don't have internet access up here.. but when I do I'll make sure to check in! :)
~April Dawn~
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