Friday, May 15, 2009

Guess who Got Pulled over?

Yes, That would be CB, Getting a Ticket for Speeding!!
The Officer Was a very nice lady though and was not too Hard on Stupid CB!
Thank You to Veda Of the Unalaska Advertiser for Providing the picture. Check out the Police beat probably in a week or so to see CB in it.
Oh, and before anyone thinks I was endangering life or limb or others going like 70 or something I was going 37mph in a 30mph zone. Yeah, I am such a bad boy rebel Huh?

After this CD, AG, And Alena! I really need to get out of here for the day!!!
You will need to pick me up.................



Cookie Dough said...


Poor CB we need to have fun!

OMG......I'm literally crying with laughter...I'm so mean...........

alaskagal98 said...

Ooh .. you are the baddest! Everybody, watch out for CB on the roads!! hahahahaha

Kimi said...

wow CB. all of 37 miles an hour? slow down you speed demon you. For me speeding is like 90+

Carlisleboy said...

Yup, I'm a Rebel and I'll never be any good.............


You girls better Keep an eye on him as he is probley planning an even more evil crime! ;op
Hummm after all the stress of the pull over he may need flavored vodka!

Carlisleboy said...

OMG I just can not help myself!! I just pulled all the labels off the new mattresses we got!

Alena Hope said...

Well at least you all are replacing those mattresses...can't even imagine the fisherman shanangins that have gone on in those GA hotel beds...

Slow down CB, the vodka will still be there when you get there...unless I get there first!

Cookie Dough said...

I sense a bonfire at my house! OMG if we get in trouble for noise or anything we can blame CB!

omg 4 people's clothing all over the entry way, need more hot dogs, ice.....what else?

So much for cutting back! CB needs us!

Dani said...

tut tut first speeding...what next? haha

Mary C said...

Rebel aka CB - Forget about being pulled over. The mattress police are on the way...You better enjoy your last moments of freedom because they are going to put you away in a padded room filled with mattresses!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha CB. Way Too funny when I called you to tell you that one of your employees had been pulled over, and you screamed at me on the phone that it was YOU. I had to hang up I was laughing soooo hard. Tee hee hee.

Reading said...

Poor CB...slow down a little...John McCain's mom got a ticket for going 97 years old....

Carlisleboy said...

I did not scream Veda,I was trying to hold back laughter that you called in like 20 seconds of me pulling over!!!

Carlisleboy said...

UGGHHHHH 13th comment!

Anonymous said...


mamawas said...

one of life's little events huh??
Hope the ticket doesn't set you back too much.

AlaskanDave said...

CB....tell 'em ya want a jury trail

Kimi said...

Veda called you right after it happened? hahahahaha OMG thats a riot. Keep him honest Veda lol.

Margrita said...

ROTFLMAO CB you are such a harden criminal speeding 7 miles over the limit ripping the tags off of mattresses, what is next, going in the out doors? I think you have been spending too much time with Alexander, an intervention may be needed soon. LOL

Janice said...

"He Who Drives With Lead Foot".

Elizabeth Douglas said...

Ha! Wow, they're really strict on the speeding up there! I guess we'll be seeing you in the blotter soon. lol!

Lori said...

Speeding 37 in a 30mph zone? OK, so don't your cops have anything better to do? Oops, probably not! Bummer!