Thursday, May 7, 2009

Naughty, Naughty Alexander!!

Well, It is now Official. Alexander has entered his "Terrible Teen Years". Evidently he was Quite Jealous that I was snapping photos of another eagle up close on the Walk down Bunker Hill with CD, AG (New Name, Also known as SHOPS with Cookie Dough), Junior and G/F.
Yes, Does he not look Beautiful and Noble?
Is he in fact not the Cutest Eagle you have ever seen?
Well THIS is what that Cute, Beautiful, Noble Eagle was doing when I came out to feed him his breakfast yesterday! Rooting around in the Garbage like a Common...........RAVEN!! Yes, there I said it!! It is the harshest rebuke I can think of for him!
Yes, That is it! HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME!!!
Gosh, what is it going to be like when he gets his Drivers License?


mamawas said...

CB you are so "fatherly" towards the birds!! LOL

Reading said...

LOL - bet his siblings put him up to it....he is just letting you know not to be late with his dinner again...

Kimi said...

ROFLMAO Cb you crack me up.

cinarte said...

I always said that God made them all cute for they live to be adults!

Dani said...

haha terrible teen years are never good!!

valerie said...

LOL very nice CB... maybe he was thinking you were late with his
hope he helped clean it up

Wolf said...

What happened to your boss? Did he ever return from the Swedish wilderness?

Margrita said...

LOL CB just like a terrible teen. He is gonna be HE!! on wheels when he gets his flying/ driving permit ROTFL, I love your Alexander stories.

Lori said...

Bad, bad Alexander! Just like a child, the parent is always the one cleaning up after them! LOL!


Wait til I meet you Alexanxder!!

Kim - Picture CB and I running outside screaming at this raven!
Now that is ROFLMAO!


I can't even spell your name Alexander correctly - you litterbug!