Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Party at Freddie and Vanessa's!!! Happy 29th (LOL) Birthday Vanessa!!!

So, to celebrate their new Apartment and Vanessa's Birthday Freddie and Vanessa Threw a nice party on Saturday night.

As the ONE Deadliest Catch Guy who actually lives in town it is rather fitting that he has this amazing view from his apartment. It looks right out on the Delta Western Fuel Dock, where the Cornelia Marie often Docks. How Convenient is that?

Vanessa's Cake!!!...........and like every other party here lots of FOOD!!!

People kept stopping by all afternoon, (Freddie is over in the back Watching UFC and having a Cig)

Even Junior and Juno stopped by. Juno's Parents live right across the hall and have been friends with F&V for years.

Junior and Juno are fascinated with strawberry cake and Juno made these little strawberry Bon-Bon's. Very tasty!!!

Juno's Mum with Freddie Right before we headed over to the bar.

And the Back of Juno's Dad. Along with the Birthday girl!!! After this we headed to the Bar for more fun, but CB ducked out soon after. TOOOOOOOO Much temptation to smoke when I have a drink so left before the bar closed. It's OK. In a Few Weeks I will be able to be tough enough to do it!! Right now though it was a very close call!!!

Happy Birthday Vanessa!!!!


mamawas said...

very impressive self control choice CB to just AVOID tempting situations!!!

Happy B Day to Vanessa

Kimi said...

Happy Birthday to Vanessa and congrats to Vanessa and Freddie. I know they will enjoy such a beautiful view...and she will be happy to watch her man walk home!

Lauri said...

Hey CB! As someone who is also attempting to quit smoking, I absolutely cannot go to the bar....even when I have a beer at home, I find myself lighting up, then kicking myself for it! Sorry I missed V's b-day this year...but I've known her for years and we've done our fair share of partying together! Love ya V!!!!

Lauri :)

Corey said...

CB, if it's not too much trouble could you find out how Juno made those strawberry bon bon's and share with us? pretty please with a mt dew on top? they looked really good.

Carlisleboy said...

Actually a big thanks to Veda Right Now for having some Nicotine Gum!! Just a bad morning and I was REALLY REALLY Cranky. Better now!!
And I will totally try to get that recipie Corey!!!
Lauri, Just saw your Captain over at Veda's. He is going out on like the 30th or so? Just let me know if you need a lunch buddy or just someone to hang with.
Mama thanks
Kim We just have to keep the location a bit Down Low so the Entire Boat does not think they can crash there!!!

Cookie Dough said...

Corey...here is the recipe:
she modified it because if the aforementioned fascination with strawberry cake!

Mary C said...

Good for you CB, I know the toughest part of quitting is when you drink. You'll do great I know it! Happy BD to Vanessa and congrats on their new place. It looks nice with a great view.

Kathy said...

Congratulations on your willpower, CB! With living in town, does Freddie get to go home when the CM is in for off-loads? That's a great view from the apartment. Happy Birthday to Vanessa!


Kimi said...

Heck...if I got enough money scraped together Id bunk there! lol.


Happy Belated Birthday Vanessa!!! Maybe next year we will get to meet you both! Bro - STILL PROUD HERE OF THE NO SMOKING!! YAY!!!

Margrita said...

What a wonderful view Freddie and Vanessa have. That was a very nice cake for Vanessa's B-day. I likes Juno's bon-bons a great addition to the party food. Happy Birthday to Vanessa.
Way to go CB avoiding the smoking temptation. I am proud of you to be able to fight the urge use the gum when you need it and avoiding smoking situations like at a bar.

Mystic said...

Happy Birthday to Vanessa! Please also pass along my congratulations to F & V on their new apartment. It looks very lovely!

Anonymous said...

CB- thanks for posting these great pics of Freddie and Vanessa's party and view. My lil sis is getting older. . . but I won't say how old.
