Since it was already on another forum http://www.fvnorthwestern.com/forums/f10/new-chase-boat-crashes-into-cm-according-travis-arket-f-v-north-american-12957/
I will confirm that the "Chase Boat" really did crash into the Cornelia Marie causing Minor damage and no major injuries. The CM Hung out in Saint Paul to ride out a storm and fix some damage. Sorry guys and gals but There is alot going on that I will not tell you about because I do not want to hurt the Show or your experience ever. Plus, I will say that being good friends with one of the guys on the Boat and his wife (Freddie and Vanessa) has given me a bit of a different perspective. Especially when we first heard the news and Vanessa could not get in touch with him Right away because they were in a bad place for Sat phones to reach. Nerve racking. I really do not know how all the wives and GF's do it!!! Poor Vanessa, CD and Lauri!!!
Weather is not as bad this week as last at Least:
UnAlaska Bay
Today - west 30 <> 15 afternoon /seas 5/ rain, snow, Tuesday night - north 20 /seas 5/, Wednesday and Thursday - east 15
/seas 3/, Friday - northeast 15 /seas 5/
April and Dimitri made it off just fine................though it is always nice to know there is a Coast Guard Chopper Nearby!! She should be posting an Ultrasound anyday now at
Then it was off with CD and Manderzz for some quick walks, with Puppy Break times figured in!
Yes Manderzz you really DO look that cute with the new sunglasses and Bella!!!
Actually it is Funny, even with all the amazing Beauty of Unalaska all around us the puppy still drew us all in.
On the way back from Summer Bay we found Dan Playing with his Giant Kite and Wakeboard over by the school. It got a bit away from him................more pictures over at
including Bella just loving Dan!!!
Ok, Monday again. Better go see what fun I can get into today!!
Have a Great one!
Bella is sooo cute.
Thanks for the additional confirmation of the CM/chase boat incident too!!!
Thanks for the update CB, I respect your discretion in certain matters.
Thank you for the update. Its good to hear no one was seriously injured.
Sun 2 days in a row! How lucky are we??!! Cute pics!
CB thanks for the tactful update, it is good to know that while it DID happen, the men are okay, with no major injuries. I still feel this will be an EXCELLENT season for the CM...
Bella is way to cute for words...glad all is well with the CM, I can't imagine how scary that was for Vanessa...
I meant to add, I appreciate your discretion in your posts...I wish others thought before they posted things...
Thanks for the update CB. When I first heard about this my first thought was Vanessa! Also thanks for the wonderful pictures. Bella is too cute! The snow looks beautiful in the background!
thanks CB, tell your friend CD that her new baby is absolutlely precious, love a golden lab, what a face, just pure love! Stay warm darilin'.
CB your discretion in all things and DC matters is wonderful. Sorry to hear of the mishap but glad it was just minor damage. I hate to hear that Freddy;s wife Vanessa had to go through all that stress and worry not, but she had good friends to be there with her. I am amazed at how strong CD,Vanessa, and all the wives, girlfriends are dealing with everything.
Bella is so cute love the pictures. She is turning out to be a great member of CD's household. Manderzz looks very stylish and chic in her sunglasses.
Wow big big kite looks like it would be cool to watch it fly. Have a great day enjoy the sun and mild weather.
thanks again for the "no drama" posting of the CM incident. I concur with the other remarks, some just ran wild with speculation.
Vanessa is another strong wife, just as many others are.
Total respect for all the fishermens' marraiges and relationships.
Thank you so much CB for the updates, photos......everything you post. As a transplanted New Yorker living in Florida, it is nice to see photos of a place that isn't 90 degrees in October. Through your blog, I found a site (www.fishex.com) that sells Time Bandit caught king crab legs. I have been wondering when one of the boats would sell their catch. This may not excite you, but we do not get extrememly fresh Alaskan king crab legs here or they are way too expensive. Again, thank you for your entertaining blog and discreet updates!
I love the pup, awwww!!! Bro - where is the pic of Mt. Dew in the photo at the top of your blog?? I am so disappointed!
Awesome pics today CB! And Bella is just adorable! This is the irst I've read of the mishap and sorry to hear, but glad all is fine. My initial thought was after reading your post was "Where or where is the Sea Star?"
Your Lil Sis is right CB...where is our beloved Mt Dew? We miss it!! I know you are very busy and all, but put the Dew where it belongs!!!
Yeah, it's hard to be a "single" mom when our guys are away! I hate not hearing from Ray for days while he's out there playing Popeye! But, most of us wives have been doing this for a LONG time, so we pretty much deal wif it all! LOL
CB, if you are out and about on Saturday stop by, we are having an open house/party - costumes are encouraged but not necessary, there will be food and drinks, cheers - steve
Heard that the cornelia marie was in dutch harbor dropping of their next load of crab. And might stay a few days. Any chance you can post some pictures ... any damage to the boat?
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