We have had a few Beautiful Days up Dutch Harbor way..........

And there was no escaping the pink that tinged the mountains at Sunrise yesterday.

Today is a little Different, But at least it's a White Christmas!
And Now some video for those of you who like them. Doesn't Alexander look Cute?

It's still plenty dark when I headed into work at 9am. But once 10am hits so does the sun.

Have made quite the inroad into the Cookies Mum sent me for Christmas..............

Lots of Presents to package up, need the energy. (Just the White Boxes, The rest are Housekeeping supplies and Lost and Found)

Also, After Christmas I really need to Straighten up my office..........New Years Resolution!
Have a Great Day Everyone!
beautifull pictures of the mountains. if i ever win the lottery i will come over and stay.
I do how ever have a problem with you. I never even heard of mountain dew. but during my last stay in the states i got addicted. and it is no where to be found in the netherlands.
A White Christmas for Unalaska great. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Brian
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from North Pole!
Merry Christmas CB!! glad you got your white Christmas. Sounds like you were shivering in that video clip of Alexander. We're about to get hit with a winter event. Glad i got snow saucers for the monsters this year.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU CB. What a gorgeous morning love the great video of Alexander. The pink tinge made the mountains look just awesome. Wishing you a wonderful and grand New Year.
brion, we, the totah's, love you and wish you a very merry christmas! so glad you learned to post video!!!
Merry Christmas Brian...hope you had a wonderful day...any big plans for New Year's Eve
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year CB.
Thanks for the wonderful blog that you give us. I live vicariously in Alaska through you. Someday I hope to come and visit. Your hotel looks beautiful and the food my goodness. Thank you for the updates on the crab fisherman good or bad you just give it honestly and thank you for that.
Have a wonderful new year and I am looking forward to your next trip.
Happy Holidays CB!! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.. Thank you so much for all you do!!
hope you're feeling better!
Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures of Dutch Harbor. Stay warm and have a great New Year !
Happiest of New Years for you and all up in that beautiful place. Please keep the photos and info coming!
Thanks for sharing little slices of life on Unalaska. Please know it is truly appreciated!
Luv ya Brian!
Too funny - you started out with the most beautiful pic and ended with a messy office - LOL! That's exactly what I did over Christmas (because it's very slow at work) - cleaned my office. Good luck!
Merry (belated) Christmas and my best to you always in the New Year!
Beautiful pictures and a Merry Belated Christmas to you too CB!
Hope your 2011 is wonderful as well I've enjoyed reading your blog for a long time now though only started commenting recently and have always enjoyed it! I'm another one that if I ever win the VA lottery I plan on staying as well and hoping to snag an evening with my favorite DC Capt. (just don't tell my husband ;) ).
I've been sick for a few weeks so haven't been able to keep up as much. Hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve as well.
take care,
merry christmas and a happy new year home back home soon we miss you god bless you
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