Mr Joe Miller, Grow up already and Admit you lost you worthless piece of SHIT! All your hopeless whining and wrangling in the courts is doing is costing Alaska Tax Dollars. Even if all the miss-spelled ballots are tossed out Lisa STILL trounced you. You are a pathetic sore loser, give it up and crawl back under your rock.
AND FOR GOD'S SAKE SHAVE YOUR FUC%ING FACE ALREADY! You do not look like a cool hardworking Alaskan, You look like a Hobo that just took a whore's shower and put on some clothes he was given by the Salvation Army. You Lost. Be a man and deal with it.
Now, On to my week. It was not good. I ended up having to go to the clinic and have two IV bags of Saline put in my for Dehydration and anemia. (Short story, My Ulcerative Colitis had a major flare and I lost allot of blood.) Anyway that meant that on Tuesday I spent all morning at the clinic and pretty much collapsed in bed for the rest of the week besides an hour each day at work in the AM. So I missed out on everything. Not even close to 100%, maybe 30% right now but I just had to get back to work. Thankfully, besides the Christmas Parties the hotel is really dead right now so I am able to get out early every day and rest. Taking vitamins and eating allot of Iron rich foods to build back up the blood but it's going to be a while before I feel like myself. So, I really hope you all had a better week than I did.
Now, lets get on with the blog:
The Apple Cranberry Stuffed French Toast was really good,
and so was the Turkey.
And Kayla and Kyle are making lots of Rich's Pumpkin Pie Waffles for the Brunch Crowd. (They were nummy!)
And the Kiwi Lime Mango Cheesecake was tasty as well.
The Breakfast Club.
Still not alot of snow out there. I am really praying for a White Christmas!
But Look who made it back to town! Derick and Alicia home from their first semester at College!
And Pattykins too! They attended the Lion's Club Christmas Brunch today.
So, one of the things I did this week to pass the time in bed was going through pictures from my Egypt trip. I know you are probably sick of them by now but I really enjoyed reliving my time there so here is another Egypt Round Up: My First picture taken on Egyptian Soil.
My First Egyptian Hotel room.
My First day outfit.
My First Ticket
My first good picture of the Pyramids
My first Camel Ride
My first attempt to "Touch" The Pyramid
My First "Slightly illegal activity in the pursuit of awesome photo"
Sasha and Jo's First Slightly Illegal activity.
First group photo with my BFF's on the Trip, Sam, Jo and Sasha.
First time good photo with Sphinx
First time Slightly Illegal photo in the Pyramid.
First Hotel in Egypt
First photos from Memphis
First pictures at the Step Pyramid
First time I bribed a guard to gain access to areas for slightly illegal photos.
First time at a Carpet weaving school.
First dip in the pool.
First Party with Sasha and Jo.
First time on the Aswan High Dam
First photos of Temples in Aswan.
First time I Came up with the name "Obilisk of Death" for the 130 degree day trip.
First Feculla ride.
First Cruise ship
First time at a Hookah bar.
First temple I kinda sorta plundered a temple...........
Our First and only Tour Guide.
First really good sunset photos.
First Dinner party by candelight
BFF Sasha's best laugh photo
First "Walking like an Egyptian" photo
First Good Shot of our Cabin Boy.
First time Steering the Cruise ship.
First time at temples in Luxor.
First really naughty shot
Definitly Not the First Slightly illegal photo with my partner in Crime Sasha
First good shot of the Avenue of the Sphinx's
Firt shots at ehe Temple of Queen Hatchepsut
First time at the Colossi of Memnon
First time at the McDonald's in Luxor
First time ever at a McDonalds with a 4000 year old temple outside.
Our amazing tour group, love you all!
First photos of the bad side of Egypt.
First Reststop in the Middle of the Desert on the way to the Red Sea.
First look at Hotel at the Red Sea
First Beach photos at the Red Sea
Sasha and I in the water for the First time at the Red Sea.
The Best Photo of me the Entire Trip.
First Snorkeling picture of me in Red Sea
Blurry last group photo of snorkeling on Red Sea
Back to the Pyramids again!
And Finally, more Mountain Dew!
Have a great week everyone!
Happy Holidays. I sent an email.
Love the walk through Egypt one more time, since we have such freezing cold weather here...warmed me up a bit.
Wow! Great post again . . . and thanks again for the pics of the food! Mmmmmmm.....who can resist cheesecake?
Love the pictures, I cant even pick my favorites, the food, or Egypt? Choices choices...lol
The Egyptian captain's chair has to be my favorite pix of this great blog this week!!
Mel must be so happy the kids are back froom Seattle.
I am so sorry to hear of your health challenges Brian. You are a great example of the Christmas spirit all year long with your generousity.
Merry Christmas
loved your rant on miller....what a freak!! after he crawls back in his hole can we cover it over quickly!! don't want to ever go through this again!!
I'll never tire of your Egyptian photos!!! I'm not sure I will ever make it there, so it is wonderful to see it through your eyes/camera. The kids look great!!! How long is their winter break?
I hope you heal quickly hon. I never like to hear that a friend is hurting. Prayers coming your way.
Love the blog today and have missed Sunday morning brunch. I'm sorry to hear about you being down and out - take care of yourself!
The tree is absolutely gorgeous! I don't think you could get another ornament on it!
Hi! I found your blog awhile ago and love your pictures and musings about you and your life in Alaska. My family is considering a trip to Alaska soon. My name is Steffanie and I live in Dallas, TX. I just recently went back to work (biology and anatomy teacher) after staying home with my 2 boys for about 10 years. I noticed in your latest post about a UC flare. I have UC also and wanted to let you know that I can sympathize. So sorry to hear that you lost so much blood that you had to go to the clinic and now you are fighting your way back. 2 years ago, my flare was so bad that I wound up in the hospital for 5 days and it took 4 blood transfusions to get my counts back in the low normal range. So, I know how much UC can knock you down. I also know how it feels to be the only one around with it and it is hard sometimes for others to understand how sick you really are. I don't think my family understood until I was hospitalized. Keep your chin up and take care of yourself! I enjoy your blog...keep it up!
This used to be one of my favorite blogs, I sure don't care for the negative hatred coming from it lately, not to mention all the false information in regards to the Harris kids etc. Its sad and awful Phil died, but whats even worse is the boys are Junkies and lost everything Phil worked his whole life for. Merry Christmas.
CB so sorry to hear of your health troubles. I hope you get back to 100 percent soon.
The brunch pictures are awesome. Everything looks so yummy and good. I am glad you are enjoying some of those great foods.
Love the Egypt pictures they are great. I enjoyed looking at several of the places like visiting Egypt all over again. You looked good steering the boat there.
Enjoy seeing everyone home for the Holidays. I wish you a Wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Take care Happy Holidays to all.
Jim, that video is almost six months old, well before king crab and before the boat was tied up after only spending 6 days fishing. I can assure you my information is not found on YouTube or a blog.
Ok, first off, i dont like either one of these slimy politicians. BUT, now Murkowski has gone rogue and is voting for EVERYTHING Obama wanted in the lame duck session. She will continue to do the same in the new congress. You sir, are a twit. You deserve what to get what she votes for.
can't leave it on the bad number.
well that all seems to be a waste.
Please leave the Harris boys alone. I enjoy being around the boys. They are going through a very difficult time. They will find their way. I am looking forward to them coming back in the next few weeks. Yes, they are coming back for opies.
As for Lisa and Sarah. One word. "Barf"
Man, all I can say is that I hope you didn't damage the pyramid when you pushed it from the top like that!
so sorry to hear you are THAT sick friend...but hope laughing at our silly adventures engaging in 'slightly illegal activity' made you feel a bit better!!!
“I do believe that Planned Parenthood provides vital services to those in need and disagree with its funding cuts contained in [the House GOP budget bill].” On Wednesday, Murkowski wrote to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging that the panel protect funding for the group.
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