It's Been a nasty few Days up Dutch Harbor Way..................

With Winds up to 115 MPH on Saturday and No planes for a few days. Thankfully no lives were lost, but there were a lot of people tossed around and some Damage.

Pac Steve Bunkhouse out on the Spit was really damaged as well as several cars when the wall collapsed, or basically was sucked out by the wind.

Freight containers were tossed around like so many toothpicks at both the
APL and Horizon yards.

Satellite dish at the
Mormon Church was destroyed

A Safety wall around the Propane tanks at the Hotel collapsed

This shed out in the Valley was blown several hundred feet from it's former location

And A rear Exit door at the Grand was pulled out by the Nails!

But Still, THIS is
UNALASKA and a little thing like Category Three Hurricane Winds is not enough to stop US from Enjoying the Annual U-
SAFV Soup Off! Yes, what would make other communities Apply for Federal Disaster Relief, Just makes us say "
Humm, Seems like good Soup Making weather!". And All to promote a wonderful Cause, U-
UNFORTUNATELY my Regular camera became a bit waterlogged and was turning out pictures like the one above so all the rest are taken with my I-Phone.

Thanks to Lynn at U-
Safv For providing this list!
20 soups entered
• Soup Category – Carol
Bunes won with her Big Easy Alaskan Style
• Vegetarian Category – Dick Peck won with his Creamy
Portobello Soup
• Chowder Category – Dick Peck won with his Golden Seafood Chowder
• Exotic Category – Linda Ellsworth won with her
Kenai Peninsula Black Bear & Pork Sausage Chili
• Chili Category –
Shawnelle Newkirk won with her Shut Up Shirley Chili
Bunes also won Best Presentation with her Big Easy Alaskan Style

Ms Peck with her Husband's award winning Golden Seafood Chowder.

The Fabulous Lynn Crane and Frank
Dr. Culver and His wife Rosemary

Billie Jo and Roger for K!

And A City
Council member just laughing with joy at winning in two categories. The City Council Will never hear the end of this!!! Congratulations Mr Peck!
Brian, that back door to the hotel had a heavy chain to prevent unexpected swinging open/closed. I was just in awe to see the door splintered to pieces. I saw a weather report of 90MPH winds and saw you clocked even higher!
April was brave enough to post a brief video of Akutan's waves that day too.
Amazing state AK
Wow that was some massive winds so glad no one was hurt. The soups all looked and sounded so delicious. I enjoy good soup when the weather is stormy just seems to make things better. I am glad there was just a bit of damage nothing like some places have had. Wishing you a great weekend.
Your elements up there are the real deal.. We're having big storm now, but compared to what you guys get, it would be a light, refreshing spring rain to you... Glad no one lost their lives in your massive ordeal.
winds can be so destructive, hearing about 115 mile gusts! eek. soup is definitely what the doctor ordered though! they sound delicious! glad a fun time was had by all!
Like you said - we in the lower 48's would be applying for federal relief - LOL! I would too much rather be holding a soup off - looks great! I could't even get into my local soup off here in town - seems it's a hot item! I so love soup!
Brian, thanks so much for the picture. Great of you to keep up with them for me!
Remember everyone that March 30 is CB's Birthday!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO From Mum, Ernie, Austin and your favorite sis!
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