So This morning Darrell Walked into his office and it looked like this.

Yes, that is Cling Wrap on just about everything he uses.

Including the Phone

And His chair.

And this is why Darrell will never call CB at 12:30 AM Saturday night for his Radio Show ever again.
ROTFL GOOD ONE CB. Poor Darrell bet he learned his lesson good use of cling wrap. I did that to a car inside and out it was great took them awhile to get in it. Have a great week.
oh my took a while to get his day started!
At least it wasn't silly string.
Would have been easier to pull the main plug. It can take some people an hour to figure that one out.
OH man. Bad CB! lol. how long did it take for him to get started lol. did you crazy glue stuff down too? its a good thing it was just his office, i couldnt imagine you doing that to someone's vehicle, or even worse, a boat lol.
Uh Oh! I can see paybacks boomeranging for weeks on end. Remember that April 1 is this week! Forewarned is forearmed!
So, exactly how early did you have to get up to get this done and how long did it take you! LOL
Hahahahahahaha. Told him on Facebook that calling someone at 1:30 am was the most stupid thing I have have ever heard of.
If the phone rings at that time of night most people think of a family emergency. Hope they all re-think that idea. Knowing CB today will be even worse for Darrell.
I love it!!! Darrell's desk was priceless.....I love the cling wrap and the restraunt kind clings better than Glad Wrap or Sarah Wrap.
Oh, now that one is way too wicked! I can just imagine how long it took him to get that off!
You are hillareous!!!! That's just funny!!! Great job CB!!!
That should teach him ;)
That would have been a great April Fool's joke!! :D
Miss you lots!! Hope to see you again soon!
so luv wat yah did....
Too funny! I wouldn't have thought of that! :)
In my opinion everyone must browse on this.
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