It's a beautiful Day Up Dutch Harbor Way,
And the table is set and ready.
With such a great view,
stop a moment or two and take a look out the Window bellow.

Eddie is back!!
And Just in Time,
as CB was going through
French Toast Withdrawl.

Heirloom Tomatoes Top this tasty Pastry,
That I first had last week at the Wine Tasting.
Not one for Tomatoes is usually CB,
But for this Rich Creation I'll take one slice........or Three....

Paul's Apple-Rasin Crepes,
with Cinnamon Schnappes,
(CB Begged for him to use it),
Really hit the spot!

Black Cod.......

.....and Chicken,
Asian Inspired,
Round out the Hot food today

Alas no Desserts For CB today,
It is just not the Same with Junior Away.

Alexander was being a good boy today,
and Hung around after his Breakfast,
For a few good Shots,
Just look at his Cute little Beak!!

Miss You Miss Veda!!
And So does the Island,
It is rather funny How many people Drive Up Daily,
Look at the sign,
and then still look in the window.
It's just not Dutch Harbor Without YA!!

The weather is Beautiful Today,
if a bit chilly in the shade,
But the light dappling on the Mountains,
And a touch of Green Here and There,
Signal that spring is HERE!

Is it just me, Or does it seem to be
That Everyone is running away right now?

From Horses...............

.........To Cruise Ships.........

..........My one Housekeeper Jovenia.....

........HR God Ricardo........

.........and Junior and the Boys. (What, you think I would let a Sunday Pass without a Junior photo? Please, Dani would hurt me!!)

Maybe it was something CD did................

And Last but not least,
a Few Shots this week,
That show Why Alaska,

Have a Great Sunday Everyone!!!
Grabs all the chocolate covered strawberries and runs away. Thanks for the food CB!!!!!!!!!!
I am Working on the Jake Photos!!! When they come up for Herring season I WILL GET THEM!!! Freddie on there owes me as I brought back him and Vanessa McDonalds when I flew in last week.
Good job on your blogging there CB...
The food looks great....but, it appears that your pastry guy is mia
Great photos as always! And of course love sunday brunch even with the mia desserts...sorta good to have a week off without all those extra calories! I think I could just sit and eat the crab there for hours...and hours and hours...it is my fav food after all! Hope you have a great week!!!
Food looks sooo good!! I gotta admit I was worried..I thought we weren't gonna have any junior pictures this Sunday, But we still get some :) I'm happy
I'm so jealous of the people on the cruise getting to visit all different countries and then getting to go to Unalaska too, I bet they had a good time. How often do cruise ships visit Unalaska?
Have a good week!!
Food looks good CB! Mike Fourtner is heading up with the Time Bandit for herring. Maybe you can catch some photos. The weather in Mass today was 85 and sunny that's why I love it here. If you get tired of the weather just wait a couple of minutes and it changes!
Okay- where oh where is Willie?
Brunch looks good...personally I could do without the seafood...but the hubby could eat enough for three people....I love that you call Alexander's beak little...bet he could break your finger with that little beak!!!
Love all the pics....
CB brunch was awesome love all the salmon, shrimp and crab. Alexander looks magnificent. I really enjoy all the photos you posted they give a new scenic view of the area and shows why Alaska is great.
CB we all talked about how much we love you at CatchCon, were your ears burning?
Thanks for those strawberries
I am just loving the nature shots, CB. Just beautiful. The horses are gorgeous! Thank you kindly for sharing! Hugs!
Hey! What did I do? I know Jr is mad at me...are you also? Mean mom is making him come on vacation with me this summer --ohhh the nerve!
Oh, I don't Know CD, Could have been the Friday night thing..............maybe a little.
I could have used some alcohol after dealing with the Cruise people all day.......
Can not leave it at 13........
And CD, Just let Junior stay if he wants. This might be his last Chance to party on the island before college.......etc? Let him have a "trial Run" before he heads out.
ohhhh I knew it, sooo busted, it wasn't on purpose, really! We suck.
I didn't honestly think Alena would really come over, last time she was supposed to she had that 'freak accident' (she's complicated) And Sonia was going to be with her hubby (until Halo took over)
Nooooooo..... I just can't do that...maybe NEXT summer... And we're not making him come on the 1st half of the trip, he avoids, ANC, ADQ, SEA, Canada... all the fun stuff!! Crab Festival in Kodiak, 2 nights at some crazy water slide filled hotel in Washington, a train ride to Canada...ok maybe that's not too fun LOL.
Love the food and pics CB! Really enjoyed all the wonderful food. Is there any way I can get that recipe for the crepes?
Hey Cb. Leaving Reno today. Only 79 deg here. Back to work on Thursday. Can't wait to catch up with the news and the great weather. Coming home broke.
At least I could keep up with the local news while away from home.
Now that the season's over and wrapped up on The Deadliest Catch, how's Phil's health? Is he okay?
Phil is good and was back on the ship for Opies!!
posted you a couple pix of Dante on my blog :)
ps. The food looks awesome like usual.
Oh and I made sure to catch a late flight out so we can make Sunday Brunch - going to break my "diet" but that's ok!! Can't wait to see you and everyone else.
PS. Dante said he can't wait to see Uncle CB too!! And Roscoe can't wait to meet you! :D
APril......What the FUDGE is a Bidarkie? (Everyone else needs to go to her blog site)
Hi CB! When are the other fishing seasons the guys come up for and what are they fishing?
I cannot believe there are no bidarkies on the Sunday Brunch spread!!! LOL
Poor Cornelia Marie looks lonely there all by herself... Why don't you take her a crabsandwich and make her feel a little better? lol. I always love reading you blog. Sorry I missed brunch this week... I was at CATCHCON with Mystic and some other wonderful and amazing people! Wish you were here. Then again, it looks as though you had a wonderful weekend too...
Oh, that's good news, thanks CB.
Hey Helen - have you blogged or posted any pics about your experience at CatchCon? Looks like a fun time was had by all from the articles I have read.
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