It's Been a Weird Week Up here for me. Been Capturing some interesting photos all over.

Maricel And Greg left on Vacation. you can see them holding the face masks I gave them to protect from the Swine Flu.

CookieDough is going out for a few tests so I had Jeff in the Kitchen make her up a Cabo Salad and a frozen cookiedough piece. (He also had to make a Turkey sandwich for Junior)

She looked so sad and lonely sitting there in the airport, Typing away on her little computer.

Of Course Junior came up and saw his Mum off. He skipped lunch at school to do this, thus the Turkey Sandwich. CD's Hubby was snapping a picture of them together. What a Good, kind Trustworthy Son CD has. Isn't she lucky?

So, Alexander was getting his morning Snack from CB........

When I cook Anything I cut off all the fatty bits and gristle and cook them up just for him!

ANYWAY though, once the morning treat is done he usually follows me back around the corner of the hotel still hoping for more.......The Other morning as I walked back he was in a particularly cheeky mood and landed on a car at the end of the sidewalk. I thought he was just saying goodbye but then...........

If you would have been at the Grand that morning you would have seen CB run down the sidewalk yelling "No Alexander BAD EAGLE!! BAD!!!" Unlike a dog though, he was able to snoot a bit at me and then just Fly away.

Finally, with Spring in the air.........and lots of "Fertilizer" being provided by the Eagles........I thought I Might start a new little feature........"The Greening of Bunker Hill". I will take a shot every day from my living room and post them occassionally. Should be an interesting progression.
Everyone say a Prayer for Cookiedough now!!!
Have a great day

CB that looks like a cow flew over...lol!!
Nope, Just Alexander. Eagles Poop, ALOT!!
CB I can just imagine the look on Alexander's face when you fussed at him.... probably the same look when I fuss at one of my kitties the "Yeah whatever mom, I'm not really listening one."n I am glad you got CD a salad and saw her off. Very nice of you to feed Junior. I am praying her test will come back with some good news and she will begin to feel better. Love the early stages of the green beginning it is hot here in the upper 80's had to turn on the AC.
You are the best CB. It warms the heart to see a teenager show so much love for his family. You done good feeding them. LoL at the eagle poop. Jessi said WOW!!!
Lots of prayers for CookieDough, what a good son Junior is....as for Alexander, all you can say is thank goodness it wasn't your car...and boy am I glad I don't leave where eagles frequent...can wait to see how the greening goes...
If you teach Alexander to poop on Bunker Hill it will green up faster!
CB, I have never seen that much poop come from the sky! Is that all from Alexander? I just laughed when I pictured you saying "Bad Eagle!" I would have done the same thing!
Prayers for CD she's very Lucky to have Junior, he reminds me of my son David.
Be healthy CD and boy was that car bombed!!! ick.
Thanks for all your posts
Nice blog this morning - eagle poop and all. It's nice to read about CD and her son - that was so nice and caring of him to see her off. I know she's worried, so I'm saying a little prayer for her.
Tons of prayers for CD! See you in a few months CD, I hear you have lots of plans for me! Bro, Alexander is kinda sick, I do not want to meet him if he poops everywhere.
Wow! Thanks everyone! I don't really feel too bad, I think TUE was the worst and I'm improving. I have 1 more test today, then follow-up in ANC later --we're going on vacation soon can do it then.
Jr is adoable and such a teen..so confusing... It's turning green at home??? Not here!
Junior looks like a sweetheart...everyone tells me my teen looks like an angel, I like to tell them they dont live with her!!!
Hope you are feeling better, CD...
Hee, hee, #13. I hope CB doesn't send the Alexander after me
bad girl gbbarb!
gobarb - sending Alexander after you is not the problem...it is feeding Alexander and sending him after you that you have to worry about...LOL
just stopping to say hi
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