It's a SPECIAL Sunday Brunch!!!! Why, You Ask?
Is it because Miss Veda's Flowers are looking so Pretty?

Is it because Dutch Harbor/Unalaska Is Surrounded by fog and no planes have got in for two days?

Miss Veda's Flowers really do look Pretty though!!

Is it this wonderful Fruit Platter?.........

Or the Big bowls of Crab and Shrimp?................

Or Maybe the Smoked Salmon plate?

Could it be Jeff beaming with pride over his salads, Especially the Hummus and Pita Bread?

The Eggs Benedict?

The veggies or Hash Browns?

The Pork Chops, Roast Beef or Ham?

What about the Super cool Tropical Smoothies that are just Divine?

OK, It has to be the Desserts, with.....

.....Junior's Tuxedo Strawberries Right? I mean they are so good looking that even Junior is taking pictures of them!
Sadly, NO.

Could it be All the friends who are here today? Like Miss H, One of those "Alaskan Women" that a Certain captain said were not pretty? Can't wait till Red King Crab Season to see how the bartenders "express their disappointment" with him!

Is it Jack Back there in the corner not joining in and trying to ruin the group photo with a crude hand Gesture? (Little does he realize I do not censor, Freedom of Speech

In Fact, The Most Special picture of the day is this one empty Ashtray.

Because Today is the LAST DAY that people will be able to smoke in the Restaurants and Bars of Dutch Harbor/Unalaska.

Some people are taking it harder than others................

SO, CB has been Constructing Outdoor Cigarette Disposal receptacles all this week..........
ans for the Past month has been working on a side project...........

.........With the Help of my I-Phone. I can now announce that it is One Full week Since my last Cigarette. And I Owe it all to this one AMAZING App that ANYONE can download for free from the App Store. (BTW to any that have been on the receiving end of my Nicotine Withdrawals, SORRY, MY BAD!!!!!!)
You can Purchase the full version or there is a free version (Which I used) that has a few less features but still does the trick.
Of Course I still have my MtDew. They will have to pry that from my cold Dead fingers. I will NEVER GIVE UP MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!
However, with the use of the GottaKickIt App Giving up Cigarettes was not impossible. I did not say it was easy, but at least this time no one got killed. (Last time was not so pleasant)
From the Website
GottaKickit (GKi) is a plan for people who are tired of being under the thumb of their cigarette habit. It centers on the GottaKickit software program, which is available for mobile devices including Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch. While following the plan, the user should expect to take the device everywhere and interact with the software on a regular basis.
To start with, though, here are GKI’s own built-in instructions, which make it as simple as 1–2–3:
The One Unbreakable Rule of GottaKickit is that you must wait to smoke until GKi tells you that the time has come. If GKi is running, it will chime or vibrate to alert you. You don’t have to smoke immediately, but the countdown to the following cigarette will not begin until you do.
As you light up in real life, flick the lighter knob in GKi. The Now smoking sign appears and the on-screen cigarette starts to burn. After a few minutes, the countdown to your next cigarette will begin.
Sometimes it might be hard to fit your GKi smoking schedule into the pattern of your daily life. When that happens, you can use the Advance button to restore order. Each time you click the button, your next smoke only is brought nearer by 15 minutes. GKi allows up to five advances per day. (Two in the Free Version)
Now, I am not one to preach, especially about Personal Choices, but if You Want to quit, This is a smart, Logical way to do it, that does not replace one addiction with another (IE Nicotine Gum, Patches, or Prescriptions.) And because it disrupts your Smoking Habit I think it makes it easier for when the Day of quitting occurs. Do I still have Cravings? Heck Yes!! Especially first thing in the morning and After I Eat. But I have done it for a week now, and I think I Will make it this time.
Everyone, Wish me luck, and I hope you all have as great a week as I am hoping to!!
Congratulations on kicking the habit...I know it wasn't easy been there and done that...seems a little unfair to be constructing those outdoor ashtrays while kicking the habit!! Seems like they have apps for everything...brunch looks divine...continued good luck with kicking the habit...as for the mt dew...well we all need at least one vice.........
Congratulations CB! I'm so proud of you. I know you can do it. I did it 19 years ago and never looked back...even when I was with Johnathan. Who always seemed to have one in his hand!
The brunch looks wonderful. I want it all! Junior out did himself this time.!
Have a great week!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally do know how hard it is to stop smoking! I quit smoking May 6, 2004, and with the exception of a few over this fourth of July, I have really had no slips.
I used www.quitnet.com for online support, but your Iphone program seems very snazy!
Wow! so proud of you! BTW if you need to have a no-smoking rant, feel free to call or text me. I understand totally!
great goal and accomplishment...tobacco seems so much a part of the Alaskan industries, hope the app is a success.
Veggies and potaoes for my brucnh (after September, when i am eating again)
Way to go
Congratulations on quitting, CB! Wishing you much health and far more happiness than Sig had during his 3 and a half hour kicking the habit effort! Just think how much better everything is going to taste. . . :o)
Congratulations!!! I'm a quitter since just last year (April 8, 2008)...it's not easy, but so worth it....and you really WILL feel better for doing it; mentally and physically.
Now, about those Sunday brunches..how does anyone decide what to eat?? All that yummy food!!
Do you all do take home boxes? ;-)
Mj in Md
Hello there! Just discovered your gem of a blog and now Im hooked. Congrats on the smoke-free lungs!
Wow, congrats! You can do it!
Steve, Kelly and Chico
I AM SO PROUD!!!!!!!!
Brunch looks awesome and to anyone who has not been there, you MUST go!
Please tell everyone at the hotel I miss them!!
Ready for us to come back yet??
Woo Hoo hun!!! I am very proud of you. You lasted a whole lot longer than Sig did lol. HUGS. Brunch looked fabulous! The flowers look incredible...whats her secret!!
eggs benedict??! YUM!! CUTe strawberries :) He told me they were wearing tuxedos, but I didn't realize they had buttons and bow-ties!
Congrats on the no cigs :)
CONGRATS TO YOU CB A STANDING OVATION FOR TEN MINUTES. An app to help kick the habit how cool. I am going to share that information with a couple of friends who want to quit. I am proud of you. What nice outside receptacles for cigarette butt disposal so much nicer then just empty cofee cans full of sand. Brunch looked wonderful. I love the tuxedo strawberries. Junior has an awesome talent designing those berries. Enjoy your Mt. Dew we have a local store that makes Mt. Dew slushies ..... they are delicious.
Congrats CB, good for you!! I know kicking MtD to the curb is super hard, I'm having a hard time cutting down for my growing baby! But I'll hopefully be down to less than 4 cans a day!
Food looked great!!! Have a great Monday!!
April Dawn
check email Bud.
Okay I stop by to look at the brunch photos (and now I am soooo hungry for more than that pathetic bagel and cream cheese I downed for breakfast with a cup of coffee) and end up learning you are well on your way to kicking a nasty habit.
Mountain Dew thanks you! :) Congrats CB and keep it up, think of how easy those hikes are going to be!
Hey CB are you okay. No updates lately want to make sure the nicotine monster hasn't gotten you. Good luck. I quit 10 years ago. It gets easier day by day just don't give in.
Good luck.
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